Yes, there are still more of these damn things. As American greatness slides into the dustbin of history, the GOP is here to fiddle us out with the crazy. Frost your beer glasses, kids, it is the only medicine you will be getting after they repeal Obama Care. Occupy Wall Street? Fuck it, let’s just cut to the chase and all try to occupy Canada before they build a Freedom Fence of their own to keep us out. Continue reading
Election 2012
Debate log #2349-When we last saw our intrepid (or is it incompetent?) candidates, they were poking out each others’ eyes with their words. Rick Perry was sleepy. Mitt Romney was for something, then against it, then undecided, then for it. Herman Cain was in the single digits, and Jon Huntsman was recycling his ties. Michelle Bachmann was dumb. At least that one hasn’t changed. Continue reading
Say what you want about Chris Christie. Whether you like his politics, his governing style, his personality or not — he was kind of a class act today:
Welcome to another Republican Debate live blog! Tonight we are in Tampa, FL an appropriately crazy place for some crazy candidates. Tonight’s debate is cosponsored by CNN and The Tea Party Express. I guess the Tea Party is not as averse to The Lamestream Media as they pretend to be. Maybe they just wanted a little attention. Continue reading
Despite my conservative leanings, I don’t hold out much hope at being impressed by the motley crew that makes up the current GOP Presidential candidates. Ever since my boy T-Paw left, I’ve been rather discouraged and I don’t think my mind will be changed tonight.
Here is tonight’s lineup:
Rick Perry – I hope this slick Texan has been doing squats as he is going to be the bottom of a big pile on. Can he maintain his Lone Star swagger?
Mitt Romney -Will the sparks muss up this man’s perfectly coiffed hair? Continue reading
Rick Perry mugged for the crowd while giving out canned answers to questions in New Hampshire today. One little boy [through his mother] asked about Evolution and the age of the Earth. Rick Perry seemed quite ready to speak to this question, answering it before the boy could follow the prompting of his mother.
“That’s a theory that is out there — and it’s got some gaps in it. In Texas we teach both Creationism and Evolution. Because I figure you’re smart enough to figure out which one is right.” [ USA Today ]
This is precisely why we have so many 10 year-old teachers down here in Texas. They’re just great at figuring things out. Here’s something Rick Perry should be trying to figure out: How’s he going to get elected with less than 40% of the Latino vote?
The Patriots© at Glenn Beck’s The Blaze have uncovered a grave scandal in the Obama administration. Actually, they copied a story word for word from The New York Post, but taking the time to write up your own summary is socialism, so what the hell. Anyway, Nobama has once again proven to be a treacherous enemy of America by purchasing a tour bus that was made in socialist Canada!
Actually, The Post story admits that only the shell of the bus was manufactured in Canada. The interior was customized and the bus was sold to Secret Service in 2010 by Hemphill Brothers Coach Company, which is located in freedom-loving Tennessee. A (presumably) annoyed spokesperson for the Secret Service points out that the buses meet specific requirements to protect candidates and may even be used to transport the 2012 Republican nominee.
Continue reading
President Barack Obama concluded his three-day bus tour yesterday and give this interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN. The set is supposed to be some kind of machine shop with an American flag on the wall. Also, when the camera is on Obama there are various tools and pieces of equipment associated with general manufacturing and industrial jobs. They really are trying to convince us that Obama is very serious about jobs. Look he even did an interview in a machine shop!
I’m sure that I’m not the only one that had an email from the White House land in my inbox today, pimping the President’s Twitter Town Hall. Today at 2pm Eastern time, President Obama will answer questions generated by the Twitter-verse. Allegedly, the folks at Twitter have worked up a way to make sure that he gets questions that are being asked frequently and hit with the #AskObama hashtag. I’m sure they actually have, I just stink at technology. Continue reading
Like a great many folks who found themselves caught up in the wave of Obama fever that permeated the Internet in 2008, I’m still a part of the mailing lists that were used to drive the President’s (amazingly well-financed) 2008 grassroots campaign. In the intervening three years, I’ve dutifully remained on that list, a fact borne as much out of laziness as my hope for some niblet of insider-y information that presidents are well-known to share with a mailing list of a few million strangers ahead of the rest of the world. Continue reading