Source: Autoweek
On Thursday, July 18, Governor Perry signed into law HB2, the bill that would ban abortion in Texas after 20 weeks. The bill would also require all clinics that provide abortion to be upgraded to surgical centers, and would require doctors who perform the service to have admitting privileges to hospitals within 30 miles. The bill was specifically designed to set standards that were impossible to meet in the designated timeframe (September 2014) which means that all but 5 clinics that provide abortions—one of their many services in regards to women’s healthcare—will have to shut their doors. Continue reading
According to frightened poopy-diapered babies Texas Republicans, protestors demonstrating against recent outbreaks of batshittery in the Texas Legislature began chanting “Hail Satan” this week, prompting a rash of right wing fantods, fainting spells, and Twitter meltdowns. Reports from the scene are somewhat confused, because apparently Twitter is what we have now instead of journalism. Continue reading
Crowds estimated between 5000 (Planned Parenthood) and 10,000 (MoveOn.Org) gathered Monday on the South Side of the Capitol Building in Austin, TX to Stand With Texas Women. Dressed in burnt orange, the unruly mob filled the lawn for several hours listening to politicians, musicians, clergy, and leaders of the Pro-Choice movement.
A broad range of people attended the rally — more women than men; lots of children and infants; several pregnant women; fewer people of color than I hoped. Contrary to reports from Republicans, the protesters were from Texas. People came from all over the state, based on conversations with those standing around us, in bus and car loads. There was a positive, energized vibe despite the heightened police presence. The rally organizers planned thoughtfully, providing kid-friendly areas, free cold water, and for a short time, electronic charging stations. Certainly the unusually comfortable weather and cool breezes helped.
As expected, the signs were witty, pointed, crass, and spot-on. Continue reading
All she had to do was stand and discuss abortion for 13 hours. That’s right. That was all. A daunting task by no stretch of the imagination. But this national hero took the challenge head on. Wearing a back brace and pink sneakers, Texas State Senator Wendy Davis decided that she would stand up for women’s rights, literally. She would tell their stories to a waiting congress poised to shut her down for any tiny infraction. And she did so yesterday in a 13-hour filibuster to stop a Republican produced anti-abortion bill. Continue reading
In a bizarre coincidence of timing, the 52 foot tall man known as “Big Tex” has burned down the day after my first ever visit to the Texas State Fair(TSF). Big Tex has been standing proudly over the TSF since 1952 when he was purchased from the City of Kerens, TX. Kerens had constructed what was at the time the world’s largest Santa Claus in 1949.
Another installment in our series on abandoned places in the world. Continue reading
On a night in Corpus Christi, along the old Gulf Coast, I came up from quiet water to see the Nehi moon. It was orange, the color of soda, but instead of effervescence it hinted at airborne filth, a heavenly stain turned loose by an earth so long ignored by the selfsame sky. Rain had forsaken the land. Continue reading
Rick Perry mugged for the crowd while giving out canned answers to questions in New Hampshire today. One little boy [through his mother] asked about Evolution and the age of the Earth. Rick Perry seemed quite ready to speak to this question, answering it before the boy could follow the prompting of his mother.
“That’s a theory that is out there — and it’s got some gaps in it. In Texas we teach both Creationism and Evolution. Because I figure you’re smart enough to figure out which one is right.” [ USA Today ]
This is precisely why we have so many 10 year-old teachers down here in Texas. They’re just great at figuring things out. Here’s something Rick Perry should be trying to figure out: How’s he going to get elected with less than 40% of the Latino vote?