president obama

10 posts

Andrew Sullivan, Yeah, We’re Gonna Need You to Calm Down

Do you know what happened yesterday? No? Jennifer Aniston purchased received the biggest engagement ring anyone has ever seen. No, seriously, that thing was bigger than a Pillsbury biscuit on her next-to-FU finger. Sure. Haha. No one cares about Jennifer Aniston’s diabolical plot to in-yer-face get married before Brad and Angelina. What we cared about in droves was the recent poll numbers that showed Barack Obama IS FARGING LOSING THE PRESIDENTIAL RACE! Foiled again, Aniston. Continue reading

President Obama Chooses Government Officials, Hollywood Stars, to Head Reelection Campaign

Yesterday, President Obama released the list of reelection co-chairs who will work to help him stay in the White House for another term. Rick Santorum calls them “Kenyan Muslin Enablers” or “Democrats.” Mitt Romney calls them “People poorer than me,” and Gingrich refers to them as “Hippie baby killers in relaxed fit jeans.” Yes, of course, Newt. It’s hard to rule over someone using Druidic sanctimony if their jeans are comfortable. Everyone knows that. “No, really, former Speaker, go on I’m listening. These jeans, though, they feel like Chenille. CHENILLE! Really, feel them!” Continue reading

Wednesday Morning Headlines

President Barack Obama concluded his three-day bus tour yesterday and give this interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN.  The set is supposed to be some kind of machine shop with an American flag on the wall. Also, when the camera is on Obama there are various tools and pieces of equipment associated with general manufacturing and industrial jobs. They really are trying to convince us that Obama is very serious about jobs. Look he even did an interview in a machine shop!

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Obama to have Seal Team 6 take out the BCS

When he’s not releasing his birth certificate to you racist bastards, or personally flying Blackhawk helicopters into Pakistani airspace to kill Bin Laden with his bare hands, Barry H. Obama is taking on the important shit that’s affecting our world, like college football’s playoff system:

(CNN) — In a letter to the NCAA disclosed Wednesday, the Justice Department said it has received several requests for an antitrust investigation into the current Bowl Championship Series system…

“Serious questions continue to arise suggesting that the current BCS system may not be conducted consistent with the competition principles expressed in federal antitrust laws,” Assistant Attorney General Christine Varney told NCAA President Mark Emmert.

If President Barry kills Osama and delivers us a PROPER GODDAMN COLLEGE FOOTBALL PLAYOFF SYSTEM in a single week, it will go down as the greatest achievement since Bristol Palin’s son Trig singlehandedly destroyed Wonkette out of pure vengeance and wrath.