Election 2012

140 posts

The Media is Bored of This Whole ‘GOP Primary’ Thing

Pity the poor American media. Forced to still cover six different ‘contenders’ for the Republican Presidential nomination, when they could be working to sharpen the alleged differences between a moderate-Republican-turned-frothing conservative-who-will-tack-back-to-the-middle as soon as he gets the nomination and an allegedly liberal-but-not-on-pretty-much-every-issue President, it was only a matter of time before the media would run out of patience for this whole exercise of ‘democracy’ and ‘primaries’.

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Updated: Hey! Rick Santorum Does Care About Black People!

Apparently we’ve all been terribly wrong about Rick Santorum and his lack of love for black people in this country. You see, he cares so deeply about black people that he’d like to address them directly, you know, comfortingly, and supportively. This is just his way, you know, with other races. He looks them square in the eye and says exactly what he thinks. Everyone will soon thank him for it, just you wait.

On an Iowa stop Saturday, Santorum tested his theory. Continue reading

The Best American Political Moments of 2011

Well, it has been an exciting year in politics. From Tunis to Boston people took to the streets to demand change. Meanwhile, the world’s politicians continued with their usual asshattery, especially in the US, where another election promises more annoying declarations from the sad group of candidates who seek our votes. The Crasstalk News and Politics team has been here to hold your hand as we pass the horrific car accident that is our future, and we have picked out a few choice moments of the year for you to laugh at through the tears. Here are our picks for the best (and by best we mean lulzy) political moments of the year. Continue reading

Live! Republican Debate, Now with Extra Newtmentum!

GOP Front runner Newt Gingrich fears no man!

The Republican Presidential Campaign Clown Car makes a stop in Iowa tonight so the candidates can fling poo at loathsome frontrunner  Newt Gingrich debate. This will, sadly, be a Herman Cain-less affair, since Cain dropped out of the race last week to get divorced spend more time with his family or whatever. On the plus side, though, they all get to bask in the glory of newly-minted frontrunner, disgraced former House Speaker and reptilian man-slug Newton Leroy Gingrich. How exciting that will be! Watch Rick Perry pester Gingrich with non-sensical drivel!  See thousand-year-old mummy Ron Paul curse Gingrich with eldritch spells and rants about the Federal Reserve!  Behold Rick Santorum do nothing at all! Oh, and Mitt Romney will be there as well.

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Cainpocalypse Now: Herman Cain Suspends Campaign, Nation Weeps, Laughs

Comedian Herman Cain suspends his comedy tour

Stunt candidate and presidential performing artist Herman Cain suspended his long-runnning performance piece, “Campaign 2012,”  Saturday, November 3rd. Speaking before a packed house at Bucket-o-Laffs Improv Club in Atlanta, Cain donned his trademark clown shoes for the last time , and announced his retirement.  He will no longer perform live, though webisodes of his more popular routines will continue to be posted on his comedy web site.   Continue reading

Rick Perry Lit Mitt Romney’s Country Music Award On Fire: A Conversation with MonkeyBiz and Thunderclees.

One afternoon, Thunderclees and MonkeyBiz had a chat over GMail about writing an article on Rick Perry’s tax plan. This is that chat.

MonkeyBiz:      Howdy

Thunderclees:   So I’m Thunderclees—what’s your ID name?

MonkeyBiz:      Monkeybiz.

MonkeyBiz:      Which means this conversation is going to be very confusing for everyone, especially Bots
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