President Barack Obama concluded his three-day bus tour yesterday and give this interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN. The set is supposed to be some kind of machine shop with an American flag on the wall. Also, when the camera is on Obama there are various tools and pieces of equipment associated with general manufacturing and industrial jobs. They really are trying to convince us that Obama is very serious about jobs. Look he even did an interview in a machine shop!
london riots
In today’s media landscape, when something like the rioting in London happens, you can be sure that each side of the political spectrum will draw their own conclusions from it.
Current discussion of the riots generally falls into two camps: those on the left who connect the riots to economic inequality and recent austerity cuts to social services, and those on the right who scoff at any such attempt to “make excuses” for what they believe to be nothing more than a mob of subhumans spoiled by the welfare state. Of course, the predictable racial invective is there too, as a quick scan of the comments on any article about the riots will reveal. Continue reading
The big news today is that my husband is finally agreeing to purchase a new couch! But you have other things on your mind, don’t you? Continue reading
Those riots in London are still being milked for front page stuff today, according to the BBC. What were they even rioting about? Okay, it seems as though the police have killed someone and a protest over said death got out of hand, that’s why. But I also think that rioting has become sort of mainstream, it’s kind of just acceptable to riot sometimes now. Everyone’s doing it! It’s an internet sensation like planking except it has horrendously destructive and violent consequences in real life, which is pretty uncool so if you’re going to go crazy and burn something let it be the sweet Mary Jane brothers and sisters, amen. Gather round and get your headlines inside. Continue reading