Here it is, the last GOP debate before the Great New Hampshire Winnowing! Watch America’s Most Hated Canadian! See The Boy Senator! Watch the last member of the House of Bush bring shame upon his dynasty! It’s on ABC at 8:00 Eastern. Continue reading
Why it’s the House Intelligence Committee’s massive Benghazi Inquiry! Sitting out there in the Friday news dump a whole report about Benghazi led by the Republicans. You know the one, the one that was going to topple President Born-to-Lie OrWe’llBlameHimAnyway and his right hand Benghazi stooge, Former Secretary Hillary ClintonCoverup. Well, none of that happened. Actually the opposite of that happened. Continue reading
On Sunday, Representative Louie Gohmert (R-TX) spoke with a reporter for The Young Turks. The reporter asked “Would you allow us to default on our debt?” and Gohmert replied “No, that would be an impeachable offense by the President.”
Gohmert is half right. Unfortunately for him, it’s not the half he thinks is right. Continue reading
Conservative interest groups strike again against climate change awareness. This time, it was to help withdraw a bill to create an honorary Science Laureate position.
The House bill, HR 1891, would have created up to three unpaid laureate positions. These positions would be the scientific equivalent of the US Poet Laureate – to honor an accomplished scientist and to raise awareness on and encourage science education, particularly for girls and minorities. It originally had bipartisan support and was even co-sponsored by Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), which is unusual given the current political climate. Continue reading
Obamacare will not be defunded. Not by the Senate and definitely not by Obama who’ll veto any legislation that even looks like it will defund Obamacare. No matter, House Republicans want a shutdown anyway — because, you know, it’s fun. Even John McCain has said they’re all a bunch of delusional weirdos. Continue reading
With open enrollment under the Affordable Care Act beginning October 1, GOP think tanks have stepped up their efforts to discredit “Obamacare”. The most lurid example so far might be twin ads from Generation Opportunity, an organization that seeks to put a youthful, peppy spin on stuffy Tea Party goals.
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In news that I’m sure is shocking to absolutely no one, when last night’s election results are compared to the polls conducted by Rasmussen Reports, it turns out that Scott Rasmussen put a sweaty, slab-like, thumb on the scale in favour of Republican candidates at both the Presidential and US Senate levels. I decided to do a comparison between last night’s results and Rasmussen’s final polls so that I could quantify for all of our information just how much bullshit Rasmussen is shoveling.
Before I get into the meat of the subject, a few ground rules for this comparison. I looked at states for which Rasmussen Reports published polls with field dates falling within the last three weeks (for the vote for President) or the last four weeks (for the Senate races) before the election. If Rasmussen published more than one poll during that period, I looked only at the most recent one. I have calculated what I refer to as a “net miss”, which is stated as either R+X or O+X. That number is calculated by adding or subtracting the amount by which the Rasmussen poll number for each candidate differed from the final result for that candidate. If Rasmussen showed a given race with Romney five points over his final result and Obama three points under his final result, that would be noted as R+8. Continue reading
At some point, someone, somewhere said that failed Republican presidential candidate, “Herman Cain is the gift that keeps on giving,” and there is no truer statement than that. Continue reading
Few decisions are as important to a presidential candidacy than the choice of a running mate. A Vice President can make or break… okay, mostly break, (I’m looking, and laughing, at you, Sarah.), a campaign. There are several names starting to attach to the Romney campaign, but there are oh-so-many options. Let’s help!
Who do you think Romney should name and what would they bring to the Republican campaign? Continue reading
Now that puritanical lady-womb advocate, Rick Santorum, threw his chips at the Casino dealer and left his candidacy for president, some are wondering what the hell they’ll do with Mitt Romney. Continue reading