us politics

10 posts

The Media is Bored of This Whole ‘GOP Primary’ Thing

Pity the poor American media. Forced to still cover six different ‘contenders’ for the Republican Presidential nomination, when they could be working to sharpen the alleged differences between a moderate-Republican-turned-frothing conservative-who-will-tack-back-to-the-middle as soon as he gets the nomination and an allegedly liberal-but-not-on-pretty-much-every-issue President, it was only a matter of time before the media would run out of patience for this whole exercise of ‘democracy’ and ‘primaries’.

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Barney Frank Is Not Seeking Re-Election

Apparently the 16 term Congressman (Christ, that is a long time) will announce today that he is not going to seek re-election. Did Frank get tired of helping out Frannie and Freddie or is something else up? I would have thought that Frank would have died in his boots and not retired from public service.

Let the speculation begin, at least until the 1pm announcement by Frank today.

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GOP Debate Liveblog: Pizza Man Rising

Yes, there are still more of these damn things. As American greatness slides into the dustbin of history, the GOP is here to fiddle us out with the crazy. Frost your beer glasses, kids, it is the only medicine you will be getting after they repeal Obama Care. Occupy Wall Street? Fuck it, let’s just cut to the chase and all try to occupy Canada before they build a Freedom Fence of their own to keep us out. Continue reading

Republican Debate Live Blog: The Decline of Western Civilization

Welcome to another Republican Debate live blog! Tonight we are in Tampa, FL an appropriately crazy place for some crazy candidates. Tonight’s debate is cosponsored by CNN and The Tea Party Express. I guess the Tea Party is not as averse to The Lamestream Media as they pretend to be. Maybe they just wanted a little attention. Continue reading

Hostage Situation: A Primer on the US Debt Ceiling Crisis

There’s been a lot of talk in the news regarding the current Debt Ceiling negotiations going on, at least here in the United States. I understand that there are a number of people that don’t understand exactly what this is or what it means, so I thought I would explain it.

Like all entities, the United States Government needs money to work. It has to pay people and buy things. Unfortunately, the United States Government usually can’t afford to buy all the things it wants, so it usually must take on some amount of debt. Continue reading