Indiana State Senator Dennis Kruse does not believe in Evolution. Unlike most of us, who just influence those in our direct company, Senator Kruse has a larger mouthpiece. He wrote a bill about it. Senate Bill 89, in its original text, calls for the teaching of “Creation Science” alongside Evolution. The version of the bill that passed “Provides that the governing body of a school corporation may require the teaching of various theories concerning the origin of life. Requires the curriculum for the course to include theories from multiple religions.” I’m guessing they amended the bill because the 1987 Supreme Court case Edwards v Aguillard ruled that the teaching of “Creation Science” was favorable toward one religion. Those of you who got through the first two paragraphs of the Constitution know that’s a no-no. Continue reading
Rick Perry mugged for the crowd while giving out canned answers to questions in New Hampshire today. One little boy [through his mother] asked about Evolution and the age of the Earth. Rick Perry seemed quite ready to speak to this question, answering it before the boy could follow the prompting of his mother.
“That’s a theory that is out there — and it’s got some gaps in it. In Texas we teach both Creationism and Evolution. Because I figure you’re smart enough to figure out which one is right.” [ USA Today ]
This is precisely why we have so many 10 year-old teachers down here in Texas. They’re just great at figuring things out. Here’s something Rick Perry should be trying to figure out: How’s he going to get elected with less than 40% of the Latino vote?