republican debate liveblog

6 posts

GOP New Hampshire 2016 Debate Open Thread

debatepocalypse-16R-2aHere it is, the last GOP debate before the Great New Hampshire Winnowing! Watch America’s Most Hated Canadian! See The Boy Senator! Watch the last member of the House of Bush bring shame upon his dynasty! It’s on ABC at 8:00 Eastern. Continue reading

GOP Debate Live Blog: Isn’t This Over Yet?

Great Raptor Jesus, there is still one more debate tonight before the fucking Iowa Caucus. The debate will take place in lovely Sioux City, Iowa. The sponsors are the Iowa Republican Party (a fine group, I am sure) and the shrill and always pointless Fox News. Try to to cry America.

Tonight’s big sparks are probably going to fly between Mitt (The Twit) Romney and his freakish, terror-inducing opponent Newt Gingrich. However, as Cleter has pointed out, there is an ancient and blood-thirsty spirit poised to play the spoiler in Iowa. Ron Paul is rising from the crypt to bring some libertarian vengance on those fancy, blow-dried college boys. With Paul coming in neck and fat-neck with Gingrich, Dr. Paul may have the confidence to raise a little hell.

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Live! Republican Debate, Now with Extra Newtmentum!

GOP Front runner Newt Gingrich fears no man!

The Republican Presidential Campaign Clown Car makes a stop in Iowa tonight so the candidates can fling poo at loathsome frontrunner  Newt Gingrich debate. This will, sadly, be a Herman Cain-less affair, since Cain dropped out of the race last week to get divorced spend more time with his family or whatever. On the plus side, though, they all get to bask in the glory of newly-minted frontrunner, disgraced former House Speaker and reptilian man-slug Newton Leroy Gingrich. How exciting that will be! Watch Rick Perry pester Gingrich with non-sensical drivel!  See thousand-year-old mummy Ron Paul curse Gingrich with eldritch spells and rants about the Federal Reserve!  Behold Rick Santorum do nothing at all! Oh, and Mitt Romney will be there as well.

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GOP Debate Liveblog: Pizza Man Rising

Yes, there are still more of these damn things. As American greatness slides into the dustbin of history, the GOP is here to fiddle us out with the crazy. Frost your beer glasses, kids, it is the only medicine you will be getting after they repeal Obama Care. Occupy Wall Street? Fuck it, let’s just cut to the chase and all try to occupy Canada before they build a Freedom Fence of their own to keep us out. Continue reading

GOP Debate Liveblog-Occupy New Hampshire

Debate log #2349-When we last saw our intrepid (or is it incompetent?) candidates, they were poking out each others’ eyes with their words. Rick Perry was sleepy. Mitt Romney was for something, then against it, then undecided, then for it. Herman Cain was in the single digits, and Jon Huntsman was recycling his ties. Michelle Bachmann was dumb. At least that one hasn’t changed. Continue reading