Daily Archives: October 11, 2012

11 posts

Project Runway Season 10 Pre-Finale

Project Runway pre-finaleWelp, it is Episode 13 kids, the lucky one that decides who REALLY is in Fashion Week (besides all of the other ones that have already done a show). Christopher, Dmitry, Fabio and Melissa are going and we are too. One will be eliminated before the finale.  Any predictions? Will Melissa send down a runway of clothing in black? Will Dmitry decide he’s had enough of this silliness and just accio principatus? Will Fabio be able to finally afford a real hat? So many questions. Continue reading

Live, Tonight! Vice President Curb-Stomps Randian Twat on TV!

Fine-it’s fair to admit that the headline is a bit optimistic. Paul Ryan is some 30 years younger than good ol’ Joe Biden, and hey, he works out, I hear. Seriously-could a guy have less in common with the average American than Paul Ryan? The man doesn’t believe in Social Security and he’s avid about fitness? If Handsome Joe wants to win this thing, he should just slide a plate of fried mozzarella sticks paid for with a WIC card under Paul Ryan’s mug and watch him turn his nose up. Mainstream America would destroy the sumbitch who would turn down fried cheese, regardless of how it was procured.  Continue reading

10 Things We Need Joe Biden to Do in Tonight’s Debate

Did you ever think it would come down to Joe Biden? For a second time, the Vice Presidential debates featuring Joe Biden is sure to be one of the most watched Vice Presidential debates in history. And this time instead of a silly governor from Alaska, Biden is up against a workout enthusiast, marathon-lying, interview question-evading wonk from the Beltway. That’s okay. We’re ready. Here are a few things we want Joe to be aware of though.  Continue reading

Why I’ve Had Enough with Shoes

This may well sound heretical to most of the members of my sex, but I’m going to say it and risk reproach anyway: Enough with the shoes.

I know. I know. I’m a woman. An adult, human, American woman. I am supposed to love shoes. Not just love them; lerve them. Flove them. Adore them. Kneel before their beauty, tremble in their glow. Stop dead at store windows displaying a perfect Prada pump; shiver with delight at the flash of a red Louboutin sole. But lately: well, the whole shoe mania thing is leaving me cold. And a little (dare I say it?) pissed off. Continue reading

Mitt Romney Claims You Won’t Die Without Health Insurance, Just Go to the Concierge ER

Debate bounce schmounce. All this guy needs to ever do is start talking and let his real feelings out about how he sees the poor. And isn’t that really what this whole thing is all about? Who will best work for and empathize with all of America? Well, as Romney sees it, people don’t have to worry about dying from a lack of health insurance — somebody will treat you and pick up the tab.  Continue reading

Why Men Doing “Women’s Work” Is a Good Thing

Recent labor reports indicate that men are doing “women’s work.” More men are cropping up in ‘pink collar’ jobs. At first glance one could presume that traditionally ‘pink’ jobs (i.e., health care, home care, etc.) are a growing field and that is where the jobs are. But a little more digging indicates that there is something larger afoot.

There was a time that the crassness of the business world or the filth of the industrial world was just too horrible for women to endure. If she were to work, it should be in jobs that weren’t too taxing to her delicate sensibilities (you know, like caring for people in the throws of debilitating disease.) She should not have to dirty her hands in factories or investment banking, but instead stay unsullied wiping both ends of children. Continue reading