Live, Tonight! Vice President Curb-Stomps Randian Twat on TV!

Fine-it’s fair to admit that the headline is a bit optimistic. Paul Ryan is some 30 years younger than good ol’ Joe Biden, and hey, he works out, I hear. Seriously-could a guy have less in common with the average American than Paul Ryan? The man doesn’t believe in Social Security and he’s avid about fitness? If Handsome Joe wants to win this thing, he should just slide a plate of fried mozzarella sticks paid for with a WIC card under Paul Ryan’s mug and watch him turn his nose up. Mainstream America would destroy the sumbitch who would turn down fried cheese, regardless of how it was procured.  In the end, Godless liberals will have to hope Biden asks this petulant man-child if he feels that he’s more of a ‘maker’ or a ‘taker’ given his virtual lifetime on the government dole/payroll. Fortunately, unlike the President, Joe Biden enjoys this stuff. Think he won’t find a few opportunities to poke at Paul Ryan?

BR, this is the awesomest post title ever!

If you need a live stream, here you go.

CSPAN is airing complete silence. Good job, kids! 

9:03 Starting with Libya. There will be no fucking around tonight.

9:06 Dammit, why can’t our foreign policy leaders rush to judgment more often!  

9:08 Biden breaks out the malarkey! Listen up, young man!

9:10 Snap! Point to Biden! Suddenly the GOP are the champions of the Arab Spring? #shitimnotbuying

9:16 Uncle Joe explains how nukes are made. I guess it was time that America had the talk.

9:18 And the moderator demands reality! She is winning this debate so far.

9:20 Look son, I know Bibi, Bibi was my friend, and you are no BiBi.

Fuck it. Biden 2012!

9:25 Joe has had it up to here. Me too, brother, me too. Sweet lord, Biden is spanking Ryan like a petulant school girl.

9:35 Christ, Medicare. He we go kids. The comparison to Palin was masterful.

 9:40 Joe talks directly to the olds. The rest of you can take a drink.

Ryan: Let younger Americans have their social security money stolen by Wall St. Thanks, Paul!  

“Hello 9-1-1? There’s an old man beating a child on my tv.” -Bill Maher No matter what happens, I want to get drunk with Martha Raddatz. Bring it, girl. Via Reuters. Cletar, I leave this one up to you.

 10:02 Alright kids, it’s KotBR reporting for duty. I just couldn’t stay away for the whole thing.

10:04 Paul Ryan is going to teach us about fighting in Afghanistan! Gather round, America, for story time.

10:06 ‘The calendar works the same every year’-Paul Ryan’s first truthful statement of the night, folks.

10:08 I like that Joe Biden is giving international geography lessons to a group of people who would fail a high school civics class, on average.

10:12 ‘The Obama administration was right, but they weren’t right soon enough’ is the lamest foreign policy criticism ever.

10:14 I’m not going to sit here and listen to Paul Ryan tell me about how we can’t separate our faith from our public life. That is quite literally contrary to what’s written in our Constitution.

10:17 Great, we’re playing ‘Who’s More Religious?’ Bill Maher is shooting at his TV right now.

10:21 Paul Ryan’s kids will serve in the Army for as long as I played Major League Baseball, which is to say they will never get close to the military.

10:22 Biden is banging the shit out of the ’47 percent’ drum.

10:24 I wish we could just go ahead and bury this whole ‘the President promised to cut the deficit’ bullshit. When the President said that, practically nobody realized that we were facing a second Great Depression.

10:27 ‘Proven Pro-Growth Policies’ = ‘Cut Taxes, Abolish Regulations, Fuck the Poor’

10:29 Somber Joe Biden bores me. I need him to shotgun a beer and punch someone.

10:31 How cute, Paul Ryan is pretending he respects people. I can’t even make fun of his statements, they are so full of mendacity. Ryan and Romney will not duck the issues, at least, not after November 6th.

10:34 Chris Matthews is much less angry this evening, so I assume that means Joe Biden did well. I’d flip over and see what they are saying on Fox, but I’ve already had a bad day.

Steve Schmidt says that he thinks Republicans will watch this debate and think that Paul Ryan won. The lesson: There is a lot of delusion in the GOP these days.

Reading the comments below, I’m confused-you guys still watch CNN? How many people do they have on their panel tonight? 8? 14? 39?

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