
4 posts

Why I’ve Had Enough with Shoes

This may well sound heretical to most of the members of my sex, but I’m going to say it and risk reproach anyway: Enough with the shoes.

I know. I know. I’m a woman. An adult, human, American woman. I am supposed to love shoes. Not just love them; lerve them. Flove them. Adore them. Kneel before their beauty, tremble in their glow. Stop dead at store windows displaying a perfect Prada pump; shiver with delight at the flash of a red Louboutin sole. But lately: well, the whole shoe mania thing is leaving me cold. And a little (dare I say it?) pissed off. Continue reading

Race in Racing

Last month Runner’s World magazine did its “reader’s issue.” A lot of the stories were about the readers of the magazine instead of the running superstars that are normally featured in the magazine. One reader pointed out that it’s very rare to see a black runner on the cover of the magazine.

The editor talked about this in his monthly address at the beginning of the magazine. Lo and behold, there are mostly white runners featured on the magazine because that’s who is reading the magazine. Nearly 90% of readers are Caucasian, 5.2% are Hispanic and a very low 1.2% are African-American. With 13% of the United State population being African-American, one might hope that might be reflected in running demographics, but it is not. Continue reading

Photo Phriday: Sole Searching

Shoes. We all wear them. Although we might prefer to go shoeless much of the time, the realities of city streets, real jobs, and public bathroom cleanliness force us to slide our poor feet into something that forms a protective layer between them and the rest of the world.

Some of us get by on the merest sliver of rubber separating our soles and the pavement, while others encase our toes in steel and leather. Some of us teeter perilously on sky-high, hairpin-thin heels. Some of us don’t give a shit and wear Crocs. I don’t know what some of us were doing here:

What we put on our feet says a lot about us. Our shoes may be utilitarian or wildly impractical. Shoes are a terrific expression of our sartorial style, often serving as the reverse of the proverbial cherry on top of a sundae – a little wink and a smile far away from our faces. But they also tell tales of our purpose and intentions, of where we have been and where we might be heading.

Whether you collect them, covet them or abuse them, we want to see them. Show us your shoes.

(NOTE: just don’t use the word “shoes” in your reply. It trips up in the spam filter. Kthxsmooches.)

Just follow these helpful tips for image sharing, adapted from previous Photo Phriday instructions:

  • This is the magic computer code you use to make pictures appear: [img src=”PHOTO URL HERE”]. NOTE: Replace the brackets with the carrots < >.
  • And it’s a URL, not photo file.  Crasstalk doesn’t accept files from your hard drive – only from the Internet. You can upload your photo to Facebook, Flickr, TinyPic, or any other online photo hosting site to generate a URL for the photo.
  • Also, be sure to add a few words of text with your picture so it doesn’t get tripped up in the site’s spam filter.
  • To pick up an image online, right click (or ctrl-click on a Mac) on an image and select “View Image.” Copy-and-paste the URL and plug it into the img src html code.
  • To upload the picture you found, this is what you type (again, replacing the brackets with the greater than and less than symbols < >):

[img src=””]