Vice Presidential Debate

3 posts

Mayonnaise Sandwich: Your Vice Presidential Debate Livemockery

kaine-pence-breadCome and watch America’s two whitest politicians whitesplain themselves to skeptical voters! See pale cartoon Racist Bannon listlessly defend his running mate! Watch Tim Kaine make Hillary Clinton almost charismatic! Curse our founding fathers for creating an office as dumb as the vice-presidency!

It starts at 9:00 PM Eastern on ABC, NBC, Fox, CBS, MSNBC, Fox News, Fox Business, CNN, Univision, Telemundo, and C-SPAN. YouTube will be streaming it. More details here. Continue reading

Battle of the Running Mates

A week after Willard Romney overclocked his untruth modules and scampered energetically around the sleeping President during the debate in Denver, the two vice-presidential candidates met for a debate in the pleasantly whisky-scented auditorium at Yokelburg State College in Kentucky. Vice President Joe Biden’s goal was to stop weeping Democrats from jumping off of ledges. “Atlas Shrugs” cosplayer Paul Ryan wanted to show everybody he was all growed up. Continue reading

10 Things We Need Joe Biden to Do in Tonight’s Debate

Did you ever think it would come down to Joe Biden? For a second time, the Vice Presidential debates featuring Joe Biden is sure to be one of the most watched Vice Presidential debates in history. And this time instead of a silly governor from Alaska, Biden is up against a workout enthusiast, marathon-lying, interview question-evading wonk from the Beltway. That’s okay. We’re ready. Here are a few things we want Joe to be aware of though.  Continue reading