So it’s been four long years since the last Biz & Blerg Blove Blog. Seriously. While things may have changed for Blerg, things have definitely not changed for Biz. So, a few days after my 35th birthday, I decided that it was time to do to dating what I’ve already done to my dry cleaning, grocery buying, driving, and a half-dozen other mundane tasks I can throw money at to make happen for me. That’s right: I signed up for a matchmaking service. Continue reading
Biz Monkie
After ten years together, my beloved cat Leo has gone on one last adventure. Even though he belonged to me, you let me share him with all of you. This is our story. Continue reading
When it comes to comic cons, there is no show quite like The Big Show – San Diego Comic Con. Every year a hundred and sixty thousand nerds descend on downtown San Diego to see the latest and greatest nerd stuff the major studios and manufacturers are cranking out for the next year. It’s an experience unlike any other, and consequently deserves a post of its own. From getting tickets, to getting a hotel, to getting to SDCC, to what to do when you’re there, it’s an adventure from start to finish that I’m pleased to share my experiences with. Continue reading
Every con experience lives and dies with what goes in to the con bag. It’s your own personal pocket dimension, your bag of holding, your inventory, the place to put all the great stuff you get at the con. Pack too much, and you run out of room for swag. Pack too little, and you’re going to end up having to buy something at massively inflated prices. After multiple con experiences, plus my own experience as a frequent traveler, here’s what I put in mine. Continue reading
Over the last three years, I’ve attended nearly twenty comic conventions, including San Diego Comic-Con twice. While I may not have hit the 10,000 hours necessary to call myself a Con Expert, I think I can safely call myself Con Experienced. The first time I went to a con I had no idea what to expect, what to do, or where to go, other than knowing as soon as I walked in that I was home, and these were my people. This is the first part of an ongoing series where I talk about my con experiences, tips and tricks for newbie con goers, and how to make the most of your comic con experience. Continue reading
This past week, at the tender age of 33, I left the confines of my home country for the first time and ventured across an ocean for an adventure in London. This is a recap of my time abroad, the pictures I took along the way, and some assorted additional thoughts. Continue reading
Over the past three years I’ve crisscrossed the eastern United States, from Chicago to Atlanta, Baltimore, Manchester, Charlotte, Orlando, Pittsburgh, Dallas, Houston, New Orleans, Columbus, Madison, New York, DC, Peoria, and most recently Detroit. During the day, you can see forests and farms, cities and towns. But at night, you begin to see a different picture. Continue reading
My God, what have we done? Continue reading
With just four weeks to go before America chooses its next President/first tin-pot dictator, let’s take a moment to review the current state of the Presidential race. Continue reading
Many many moons ago, back when I had a job that had approximately three hours of work but required eight hours of physical presence, I wrote a small political column called “The Daily Sausage”, an overview of the going’s on in the political blogosphere. While I may not have the free time I once did, some things are too important to go un-mocked, and thus, for one(-ish) more time, The Daily Sausage rides again.
As we enter the summer of 2016, we find ourselves once again in Presidential Election Season, where Donald “Der Druempfrer” Trump (R-Berlin, circa-1929) will be taking on Hillary “Insert Derogatory Epithet For A Strong Female Leader Here” Clinton (D-Wall Street) for the privilege of being the next President of these United States.
My god, what have we done? Continue reading