Mitt Romney Claims You Won’t Die Without Health Insurance, Just Go to the Concierge ER

Debate bounce schmounce. All this guy needs to ever do is start talking and let his real feelings out about how he sees the poor. And isn’t that really what this whole thing is all about? Who will best work for and empathize with all of America? Well, as Romney sees it, people don’t have to worry about dying from a lack of health insurance — somebody will treat you and pick up the tab. 

In another made-for-an-ad moment, Wednesday Mitt Romney told The Columbus Dispatch:

“We don’t have people that become ill, who die in their apartment because they don’t have insurance.”

“We don’t have a setting across this country where if you don’t have insurance, we just say to you, ‘Tough luck, you’re going to die when you have your heart attack. No, you go to the hospital, you get treated, you get care, and it’s paid for, either by charity, the government, or by the hospital.”

Oh, really, Mitt? So the patient is never sent a bill and no one ever dies? The Huffington Post reports that one study, from a health care advocacy group, puts the number at 26,000 deaths per year. And maybe we just don’t understand, but isn’t this the same guy who wants people to be responsible for themselves and not take government handouts? So does that mean UNDER ROMNEY’S PLAN YOU DEFINITELY WILL DIE IN YOUR APARTMENT?

Economists have already done the math and found that the uninsured cost the nation more money in not being able to acquire preventative medicine resulting in worse health and more expensive treatment. The route that Romney talks about — going to the emergency room to get treated — is the most expensive way to handle healthcare. Those same people face massive medical bills, debt, and bankruptcy without some sort of aid — the kind Romney wants to limit, and also the kind Romney doesn’t have to worry about because paying for healthcare out-of-pocket isn’t something he’d ever be concerned about.

Yeah, this is your alternative, America.

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