
7 posts
enesbit15 is passionate about politics, theater, wine, cowboys, and pitbulls.

Voting Basics Everyone Should Know

Being an informed voter and voting is a precious right that we have in this country. Midterms matter and when it comes to midterms the Democrats, historically, have a poor record. Do not despair, as the saying goes, when we vote we win!

At the risk of sounding hyperbolic, this may be the most important election in recent history. Why? We are dangerously close to the Republicans controlling enough state governments to where they may successfully pass constitutional amendments.

Thanks to the renewed energy stemming from the 2016 election we are seeing an influx of promising newcomers in races where historically we have been complacent. The most important way to support them is at the ballot box!

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Do I Get Time Off to Vote and Other Voting Questions

Since we here in the good ol’ USA vote on the first Tuesday in November, a workday for most people, this leads to a question about what your rights are when it comes to getting the necessary time off to vote. This issue has been left to the States to answer, which means there isn’t one nationwide law to answer the question. So, do you get time off to vote and is it compensated in your state?  Continue reading

Job Searches Suck

So, you’re out of a job or you hate the job you’re currently in. I guess it’s time to dust off that resume and begin the dreaded JOB SEARCH. Yes, job searches suck. There is no other way to put it; they are tedious, stressful, anxiety provoking monsters. Hopefully this list of tips will help reduce the anxiety and make you feel like you have a bit more control over the process.

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