
5 posts

Brother Dick’s Traveling Salvation Show

2_Lecter_4396426518_3321db4057The troupe travels slowly across the countryside. Neither desert nor marsh nor twin rivers halt its advance. But still the traveling party proceeds with exquisite deliberation. It never skips over a single town or hamlet, no matter how small.

In the cool of the evening the troupe members gather at the nearest suitable venue: The community center, the mosque, the empty schoolyard. And there they put on a show of sorts. There are jokes. Magic tricks. Possibly karaoke, if there is electricity and enough young people attend.

But the closing act is always a man — the same elderly, frail man — speaking in English. About the war.

Iraqis by now are accustomed to foreigners appearing in their country to discuss the war: journalists, aid workers, government men, freelance do-gooders and general dingbats of every stripe. But this battered creature truly knows the story of the war. He pulls no punches in his remarks: Mistakes were made; sacrifices were demanded; savagery was met with greater savagery. He also has opinions about the current government, and about neighboring Iran — but heh-heh, he says, he’ll save those for next time. Continue reading

Arresting Private Manning

After spending more than eighteen months of pre-trial confinement in a military prison, most of it under “maximum custody,” alleged WikiLeaks source Bradley Manning has finally begun the judicial process in a military court.

In the second day of his (UCMJ) Article 32 pre-trial hearing, it was revealed that the affidavit that served as the basis for his arrest appears to have been based in large part on unconfirmed or erroneous information.

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Jury Rejects Rape Allegations Against KBR/Halliburton

While the trial of Casey Anthony enthralled the country, another very important trial was going on as well. Jamie Leigh Jones claimed she was drugged, brutally gang-raped, and held captive by co-workers while working in Iraq for KBR/Halliburton. Like many others, she was influenced by the company’s claims of a safe working environment for women, while being able to earn a decent income. When she arrived in Iraq, she was housed in a trailer surrounded by men, even though she was promised to be housed with other women. Not long after her arrival, she states that she was drugged with Rohypnol and attacked in such a brutal manner that she required reconstructive surgery. According to her claims, when she reported it, she was taken to a shipping container and held while she begged to be released. Continue reading