It seems more and more possible that Syria’s capitulation, for now, with regard to giving up their chemical weapons wasn’t an accidental or altogether fortuitous development. Continue reading
On Wednesday, Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) said that the focus of the Obama administration during President Obama’s second term will be the annihilation of the Republican Party.
That’s a pretty hefty claim, so I decided to look at what the President actually said and see how it measures up to Speaker Boehner’s claim. Continue reading
Crap. Well, whatever. It’s not like any of the alternatives would have been much better. Rep. Allen West (Christ!), House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (OH NOES!), and Reps. Jim Jordan, Raul Labrador, and Justin Amash (Who? Wha?), as well as former Comptroller General David Walker (Sure, shrugs.) all failed to overthrow THE GREAT ORANGE ONE. What the hell happened to Paul Ryan? Wasn’t there a plan to lock Boehner in an anteroom and push Paul Ryan out onto the floor like a well-used GOP mop? All of that failed! Continue reading
You know who’s having a bad week? John Boehner. Oh, not because of anything he’s not doing to himself. Oh, no. He’s having a bad week because he’s a jackass and his own party is turning on him. Continue reading
Here’s another one to file under “Bizarre Shit Politicians Lie about.”
Iowa Representative Steve King, recently politicking at a local town hall meeting, announced to the attendees that he had forced witnesses testifying at a congressional hearing to “confess” they were vegetarians. While this might seem a pretty odd thing to be bragging about in the first place, it gets even weirder when Think Progress reveals through a search of congressional testimony – it never happened.
Today’s sausage is all chuckle. Continue reading
You might notice some changes around your internet today. Some major websites like Wikipedia and Reddit will go black today. Others, like Google, will have special content. Even the Honey Badger is getting involved. The reason for this is the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), a bill making its way through congress that will drastically affect the way your internet works. Continue reading
Jim Sensenbrenner, a Republican Congressman from Wisconsin, has drawn some attention to himself after FishbowlDC reported an overheard phone conversation at Reagan International Airport.
A “Democratic operative” reportedly heard the “very loud” conversation between Sensenbrenner and someone on his staff about comments that the representative had made at a church event three weeks ago. After a woman at the event praised the first lady in conversation with him, Sensenbrenner told the staff member that he responded that Michelle Obama “lectures us on eating right while she has a large posterior herself.” Continue reading
Last night the US Senate approved the National Defense Appropriations Act (NDAA) by a vote of 93-7. The bill contains a controversial provision that requires the US military to take custody of all defendants accused of terrorism and allows for the indefinite detention of US citizens, even if they have not been charged with a crime. The bill must still be reconciled with the House version of the legislation. President Obama has threatened to veto the bill if it contains the detention provision. However, it now looks like there are enough votes in the Senate to override the veto. Continue reading
In a disgusting display, the Republican party is now trying to block a tax cut that NObama is championing.
Quick explanation: To pay for Social Security benefits, employers and employees have always paid into the system via a payroll tax. This payroll tax has been 6.2% paid by the employer and 6.2% of salary paid by the employee. This totals to 12.4% of everyone’s salary being paid into the social security system. Social Security payroll taxes are basically unavoidable, and they only apply up to the first $106,800 of a worker’s wages. Last year Obama cut this tax on the worker’s side of things, saving people up to $2,136 a year, or at the very most a solid 2% of their income. Continue reading