Daily Archives: February 2, 2012

12 posts

Project Runway All Stars Liveblog: This Episode Better Be An Improvement Over The Previous Two Edition

The last two episodes have been almost offensively bad. Who do these producers think they’re toying with? We Project Runway fans are legion. Or something. (Most Project Runway fans don’t even get that reference, do they? Except for us. Because we at Crasstalk are multi-faceted and brilliant and amazing etc etc etc.)

Have you seen the trailer for tonight’s episode? You should if you’re into sexy dudes taking their pants off in the middle of  a New York City park (in a flirty and not at all creepy way, of course). I’ll let you fan yourself over that. That little scene alone is better than the past two hours of Project Runway combined. Besides, we deserve a little bit of unbelievably-sexy-dude-in-really-just-the-hottest-pair-of-undies-ever after having to look at this monstrosity that Rami subjected us to. Rami! RAMI! How could you? Did you even look at this thing you created? What did we do to deserve this? Continue reading

Temples for Atheists

Why should inspirational architecture belong exclusively to religionists? Shouldn’t non-believers have quiet places to go where they can ponder a diety-free universe? If writer and philosopher Alain de Botton’s vision comes to fruition, the United Kingdom will soon have its first such building, a 46-meter tower in the heart of London called the Temple to Perspective. Continue reading

Indiana Wants Creation Taught In Schools

Indiana State Senator Dennis Kruse does not believe in Evolution. Unlike most of us, who just influence those in our direct company, Senator Kruse has a larger mouthpiece.  He wrote a bill about it.  Senate Bill 89, in its original text,  calls for the teaching of “Creation Science” alongside Evolution. The version of the bill that passed “Provides that the governing body of a school corporation may require the teaching of various theories concerning the origin of life. Requires the curriculum for the course to include theories from multiple religions.” I’m guessing they amended the bill because the 1987 Supreme Court case Edwards v Aguillard ruled that the teaching of “Creation Science” was favorable toward one religion. Those of you who got through the first two paragraphs of the Constitution know that’s a no-no. Continue reading

The New Definition of Sugar Daddy

Attention gold-diggers and lawsuit dodgers! Just when you heard of every possible way a to avoid the consequences of your actions while also keeping the benefits of being Richie Rich, along comes merde ambulante, John Goodman. Goodman, founder of the International Polo Club Palm Beach aka Douche Canoe Depot, is a billionaire who, in 2010, decided to get all boozed up and drive. On his merrily drunken way, Goodman ran a stop sign and collided with Patrick Wilson’s car, which was catapulted into a canal. Wilson was unable to escape his car and died.

Now here’s the best part – the 48 year-old Goodman, who has been dating the lovely 42 year-old woman pictured on his right since 2009, suddenly decided to adopt her. As in, SHE IS NOW LEGALLY HIS CHILD and in control of one-third of his assets. Sugar daddy, indeed. Continue reading