gold digging

1 post

The New Definition of Sugar Daddy

Attention gold-diggers and lawsuit dodgers! Just when you heard of every possible way a to avoid the consequences of your actions while also keeping the benefits of being Richie Rich, along comes merde ambulante, John Goodman. Goodman, founder of the International Polo Club Palm Beach aka Douche Canoe Depot, is a billionaire who, in 2010, decided to get all boozed up and drive. On his merrily drunken way, Goodman ran a stop sign and collided with Patrick Wilson’s car, which was catapulted into a canal. Wilson was unable to escape his car and died.

Now here’s the best part – the 48 year-old Goodman, who has been dating the lovely 42 year-old woman pictured on his right since 2009, suddenly decided to adopt her. As in, SHE IS NOW LEGALLY HIS CHILD and in control of one-third of his assets. Sugar daddy, indeed. Continue reading