Some people have found it difficult to cope with the weather this season, whether it be flooding, constant snow and ice, drought or extreme heat. To cope, post what gets you to your happy place. SFW, please.
Let’s have some fun. You know the rules. Jokes, funny gifs, bad music, or anything else that will make people laugh go here. Anything negative will be gleefully deleted by the mods. Let’s have a little silliness, shall we? Continue reading
It seems like it has been a rough day for a lot of people around Crasstalk so this is your shot of positivity. Let’s post some jokes, funny pics, weird gifs, or whatever helps you shake off the bad things. Continue reading
Welcome to the April Fools’ edition of Photo Phriday! I hope your day was full of merriment, pranks, and foolishness. It has come to my attention many of you are having a bad day/week/month/life. Wasn’t this week one of the worst? However, you know what always makes me feel better?
Seeing someone smile.
So, I want to see your smile! If you’re too self-conscious to show us your pearly whites, feel free to post a picture of something that makes you grin every time you lay eyes on it. This could include pictures of, well, just about anything! The only rule is the picture has to make you smile.
Have fun, babes!
Just follow these helpful tips for image sharing, adapted from previous Photo Phriday instructions:
- This is the magic computer code you use to make pictures appear: [img src=”PHOTO URL HERE”]. NOTE: Replace the brackets with the carrots < >.
- And it’s a URL, not photo file. Crasstalk doesn’t accept files from your hard drive – only from the Internet. You can upload your photo to Facebook, Flickr, TinyPic, or any other online photo hosting site to generate a URL for the photo.
- Also, be sure to add a few words of text with your picture so it doesn’t get tripped up in the site’s spam filter.
- To pick up an image online, right click (or ctrl-click on a Mac) on an image and select “View Image.” Copy-and-paste the URL and plug it into the img src html code.
- To upload the picture you found, this is what you type (again, replacing the brackets with the greater than and less than symbols < >):
[img src=””]