Daily Archives: July 27, 2011

12 posts

Welcome to Democrazy

“Many forms of Government have been tried and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” – Sir Winston Churchill –

A successful democracy has always rested on two fundamental pillars. The first is compromise; the ability for even the most intractable of political foes to sit down at a table and hammer out laws that neither of them like, but that both of them can live with. The second is the exclusion of extreme elements. Simply put, government cannot function if the lunatics are running the asylum. Continue reading

The 10 Best (or Worst?) Manic Pixie Dream Girls of All Time

For those not familiar with the term, “Manic Pixie Dream Girl” is a term coined by film reviewer Nathan Rabin in 2007 for a type of character we all know well.

She is generally petite, attractive, high on life, playful, prone to quirky antics and shenanigans, maybe minor crime that doesn’t hurt no-one, and will inevitably be obsessed with teaching a more straight-laced, brooding male character to “loosen up a little”, “be free”, “be happy” or similar.  They probably “meet cute” early in the work, too.
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Eustace Conway and Crisitunity

Eustace Conway is one of my heroes. The word crisitunity comes from a Simpsons episode wherein Homer, after hearing from Lisa that the Chinese use one word for both “crisis” and “opportunity”, says “Crisitunity!” Crisitunity is the act of using a problem to make a solution.

Eustace Conway practices crisitunity. In his colorful life, he has met and mastered many challenges, challenges that others looked on as impossible. To Eustace, nothing is impossible, and anyone can do anything they set their mind to.  He is an avid student of life and is fully alive in the world. He first left home with nothing for the woods at age twelve, and at age seventeen he moved, with little more than nothing, into a tipi in the Blue Ridge mountains. Continue reading

Banning Children From Public Places Is A Thing. A Good Thing.

A perfect story for our young and childless Crasstalkers.

There is a new wave of DINK – double income, no kids.  And with this wave comes restrictions on when or even an outright banning on children allowed at restaurants, grocery stores, and first-class seats in airlines. You may be surprised to hear this, but I am all for it.

I remember going to Jean Georges about seven years ago and shocked that two parents thought it was a good idea to bring their 6 year old to eat with them there. They gave their daughter some sort of hand-held game to keep her occupied and quiet, an elementary school pacifier. That child had no more reason to be there than a kitten. Not appropriate. Continue reading

A Cure for Your Mad Men Withdrawal

If not for the turbulent negotiations this past year over contracts and such I might be writing to you today to recap the season five premiere of Mad Men but, as we are all so painfully aware, the new season will not be airing until March. If you, like me, are spending your Sundays weeping into a high ball glass over the absence of Mad Men in our summer viewing lineup then perhaps I can help you out with a quick fix of all things Mad Men.

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Twenty of the World’s Best Street Artists, Part 1

From its outgrowth of the graffiti movement of the 1980s, contemporary street art comprises of many techniques and has since grown into a global movement.  Often providing social and political commentary, street artists rejuvenate public spaces and initiate lively discussions on the democratization of art.

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