
5 posts

The Baby-Raising Advice Assault

They say it takes a village to raise a child. Any new parent can tell you that the village certainly seems to think so. When you have children, people come out of the woodwork to offer you unsolicited and often, unhelpful advice.

It starts when you are pregnant. The first thing I remember is someone telling me to spend the money on a high-end digital thermometer. That’s actually not bad advice as babies are squirmy especially when they are sick. Those thermometers are fast and are certainly better than the mercury thermometers that were around when I was a child. They took forever and were next to impossible to read. Continue reading

Banning Children From Public Places Is A Thing. A Good Thing.

A perfect story for our young and childless Crasstalkers.

There is a new wave of DINK – double income, no kids.  And with this wave comes restrictions on when or even an outright banning on children allowed at restaurants, grocery stores, and first-class seats in airlines. You may be surprised to hear this, but I am all for it.

I remember going to Jean Georges about seven years ago and shocked that two parents thought it was a good idea to bring their 6 year old to eat with them there. They gave their daughter some sort of hand-held game to keep her occupied and quiet, an elementary school pacifier. That child had no more reason to be there than a kitten. Not appropriate. Continue reading

British Woman Will Have Uterus Transplant

As Father’s Day is quickly approaching, and I’m drowning the sound of my biological clock ticking loudly in the echo chamber created by my lack of uterus – I’ve been startled, intrigued and then creeped-out by the following story that ran across on my RSS feeds: British Woman Eva Ottoson, 56, is heading towards ground breaking surgery to donate her womb to her own daughter.

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