Warning: This video is seriously scary. Watch it in bed if you are a masochist and want to turn your hair prematurely white like the bully in “It.” Continue reading
I personally dislike shopping for routine things I need. Whenever payday rolls around I think “Sure, I should probably get my oil changed and restock my Swiffer supply, but I really love this constellation globe and those strappy green wedges would look great with some Moroccan pink nail polish. I need them!” I’m usually able to reign it in and take care of the things I need first, but if I were to let my id run wild and shop free of inhibition I couldn’t think of a better place to browse than the online shopping search engine Wanelo. Check out just a sample of what’s in store to blow your money on: Continue reading
On Thursday, July 18, Governor Perry signed into law HB2, the bill that would ban abortion in Texas after 20 weeks. The bill would also require all clinics that provide abortion to be upgraded to surgical centers, and would require doctors who perform the service to have admitting privileges to hospitals within 30 miles. The bill was specifically designed to set standards that were impossible to meet in the designated timeframe (September 2014) which means that all but 5 clinics that provide abortions—one of their many services in regards to women’s healthcare—will have to shut their doors. Continue reading
When I first ran across this handy guide by Barbara Seegmiller in a used bookstore a year ago, I fell in love with its kooky vintage greatness, for it is certainly creative and fun-loving and by following its rules you’ll definitely get…results. Published in 1986 with help from the English Department of Brigham Young University, it features a stern lecture from the then Associate Dean of BYU on the pitfalls of boredom in youth and boy does it deliver.
Packed with over 300 suggestions by the young in Seegmiller’s community on how to win over that special someone, CWtAfaD undulates wildly between the endearingly corny bad puns/clean cut fun of the ‘80s (i.e. “Give the person a pillow and with a note that says ‘Jane, I’d like you to go to the ___ with me. SLEEP ON IT, and then let me know!’”) and the clinically insane. Continue reading
Oh boy. The problem with big time celebrity members in your ranks is big time celebrity bad PR. By now we have all learned that totally lovable and not at all insane national treasure Tom Cruise is divorcing from Katie Holmes, his bride of 5 years. Continue reading
In Haruki Murakami’s surrealist fantasy The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, Lolita-esque spitfire May Kasahara recalls a house on the block where she used to live that carried a distinct air of malice. It was later known that an unspeakable act occurred there in the Miyawaki family, dubbing the outcast property the “Hanging House.” But it wasn’t just the act of what happened that had the town thoroughly spooked. It was the aftermath. Continue reading