George Takei is a superhero. Is there anyone else that approaches in-your-face homophobia and generalized ignorance with such good humor and aplomb? No, there is not. Takei is launching the “It’s Okay to be Takei” campaign wherein he suggests replacing the word “gay” with “Takei.” In the video below (which ends hilariously), he offers examples of how well this works. Break out your feather boas and hot pants for the Takei Pride Parade! That book isn’t gay, it’s Takei! Continue reading
Daily Archives: May 20, 2011
Happy Phriday Pholks! Today my Dad turns 79, so our theme this week is birthdays.
Show us your birthday cakes, favorite birthday presents, drunken birthday revelry – anything birthday related (except your birthday suit, unless it is an actual suit)! Continue reading
The dictionary defines “Rapture” as an English noun derived from the Latin verb rapio, with a literal meaning of “I catch up” or “I snatch.” I define “Rapture” as “Aw fuck, here we go.” Now, I don’t know about all of you, but I like to be prepared, whether it’s keeping an umbrella at work in case of rain or being ready for the day of the Lord’s wrath against the ungodly which is supposed to last about seven years. For those of you with the FastPass to Heaven, bless you*! It doesn’t matter what you wear, as soon as you fist bump (with explosion) St. Peter and stroll through those pearly gates, you’ll be halo’d up and good to go for eternity. For the rest of us poor unfortunate souls, your Sunday best isn’t going to help you now, so ditch the designer duds and check out this guide for the ultimate Rapture wear. Continue reading
Happy Friday and good evening Crasstalk. Hope you have had a great week. Continue reading
I’d just like to say that the best and worst thing about sailing is probably Chris Cross’s 1980 hit Sailing. Because this whole Pirates of the Caribbean thing just makes that look like an exposition of greatness. Yes, the Officer Tom Hanson On A Neverending Boat cycle-of-madness has gone on longer than anyone cares to admit, but here it is, limping through theaters for the fourth time, wheezing, and dry-heaving its way to the box office finish line.
And some of you will probably go see it, won’t you? Continue reading
Ah, it was quite the week around Crasstalk way, wasn’t it, kids? Continue reading
Like a great many folks who found themselves caught up in the wave of Obama fever that permeated the Internet in 2008, I’m still a part of the mailing lists that were used to drive the President’s (amazingly well-financed) 2008 grassroots campaign. In the intervening three years, I’ve dutifully remained on that list, a fact borne as much out of laziness as my hope for some niblet of insider-y information that presidents are well-known to share with a mailing list of a few million strangers ahead of the rest of the world. Continue reading
We’re going to try something that’s never been done before. This is like climbing the Mt. Everest of blogging. We’re risking extreme carpal tunnel syndrome, debilitating LOLspeak and possibly even breaking the internet.
I’m calling it a micromusiclivebloggasm and you are the first ones in history to witness it. Does that perk up your nipples or what?
Reminder! Safe sex is still “in” and porn stars lead the way.
While hooking up with a new co-star can provoke some anxiety, there’s one thing they’re usually not anxious about: getting a sexually transmitted disease from their co-star, since both get tested for STDs at least once a month. “Before you start shooting, you go online to see the other person’s test results,” Danny Wylde explains. “Or sometimes on set, before you start, they show you the results on paper.”
Skype wasn’t the first to introduce free computer based voice and video calls but it is one of the most successful. Now that they have been borged by Microsoft they will be introduced to legions of new users who expect Skype to work just as well as Word. Let’s look at some easy ways to ensure that Skype performs up to those expectations.
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