What a week. You wrote great posts. You fought like best frenemies. You made some memorable comments, funny and serious. Let’s take a look back, shall we?
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Whew! I am still stuffed, kids. Might have something to do with that quarter of a pumpkin pie that I sleep ate.
Sleep eating is not a thing, I know. Insomnia and Die Hard reruns are very real, however.
Admittedly, Crasstalkers, I’m cheating a little bit, and writing this up on a Thursday night. Hey, a witch has to hold down a job to, you know.
The sad side-effect of this is that I’m watching Rachel Maddow right now, wondering how someone who has as much money and notoriety as Michael Moore can’t get himself a decent friggin’ haircut. Seriously, it’s like a rat’s nest that got hit by a tornado and then put through the spin cycle. Ugh.
Is it Friday already? This whole week has been a bit of a blur, hasn’t it? Continue reading
Happy Friday, fellow Crasstalkers! Another outstanding week around these parts, which, admittedly, helps make my job plenty easy enough.
Also making my job easier is the fact that there was yet ANOTHER GOP debate this past Tuesday. Those folks really like to get on TV and yell about stuff, don’t they? Continue reading
Phew! What a week, Crassers. I’ve decided that’s what I’m calling you from now on. Good enough? That’s what I thought. (See, I’m channeling my inner manly man! That Day of Manly Things really lingers.)
Let’s get into the goodness, shall we? Continue reading
What can I say, Crasstalkers? Apparently, it was meme week around here. I’ve never seen so many meme pictures in the Open Threads, and for that, I, um, salute you? Admittedly, it’s going to be a short one this week, not because you guys weren’t great as usual, but because someone has a happy hour to get to! Continue reading
Greetings, Crasstalkers! Another week in the books, no? So, like, nothing happened around here at all this week, I hear. Nope, we all got along well, and said nice things and did so politely. Continue reading
Greetings and happy Friday Crasstalkers! Another week has come and gone, and before you slip into a booze-induced haze for the next 48 hours or so, let’s have a little fun with some of the best work you guys did this week.
Before that, though, let me throw out the reminder that emails from you all really help me fill this space effectively. Screenshots are especially appreciated. The address to send your goodness to is: [email protected] Continue reading