Get Busy Like an Adult Film Star

Reminder! Safe sex is still “in” and porn stars lead the way.

While hooking up with a new co-star can provoke some anxiety, there’s one thing they’re usually not anxious about: getting a sexually transmitted disease from their co-star, since both get tested for STDs at least once a month. “Before you start shooting, you go online to see the other person’s test results,” Danny Wylde explains. “Or sometimes on set, before you start, they show you the results on paper.”

Dylan Ryan always uses a condom when she has sex with men outside work. Of course, such practices are recommended if you are Tom-catting or slutting around town.

Talent Testing Service, which does STD screenings for adult performers, routinely tests for HIV, chlamydia, and gonorrhea, according to Sixto Pacheco, president and CEO of the service. In addition, some performers opt for an additional panel of tests for hepatitis B, hepatitis C and syphilis.

That’s a pretty good line-up so far as what you should have yourself tested for. Is this ever an easy conversation to have while ripping clothes off one another in the heated moment of drunken passion? No. Is it easier than tracking down every person in your sexual history (if you remember them) and telling them that you tested positive for some bug? You bet.

Source CNN.

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