
4 posts

Two Year Anniversary Open Thread

Yes, I know it was actually Tuesday, but we have been very busy. Anyway, let me just say, on behalf of the ruling triumvirate, that it has been a lot of fun. A very special thanks to all of you who write for us, and a huge thanks to all of our great editors and mods. This has become a vibrant community and there is no other place like this on the internets. I am sure the next two years will be even more fun. Continue reading

QOTD: You Say It’s Your Birthday in 2011

Ah birthdays–the great equalizer. How fun that we all get a day when we get to say, “Everybody, pay attention to meeeee!” and everyone kinda has to, right? Granted, birthday celebrations tend to go pretty downhill after 21, but that’s no excuse not to do a little dance, make a little love, and get down that night. And so, our Question of the Day: What did you do for your birthday in 2011? Or, if you, like my husband, won’t be celebrating said birthday until the verrrry end of the year, What will you do? Continue reading