Hello Dearies. It has indeed been a crazy time for Glinda since she decided to bring back the Comment of the Week, or as we affectionately call it around here: COW. I have gotten quite a few nominations this month, and here are some of the ones I thought were the best.
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Crass COW
What a week. You wrote great posts. You fought like best frenemies. You made some memorable comments, funny and serious. Let’s take a look back, shall we?
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It was a busy week, with lots of nominations made to [email protected]! Greatly appreciated and if you don’t see your nomination this week please don’t be discouraged, there was a high quantity of quality and a cull was needed. This week I bring you a double header – a Comment of the Week and a COMMENT OF THE YEAR (next year we’ll vote, ‘kay?) Continue reading
That’s how many times we’ve brought you the best, funniest, most snarktastical comments on a weekly (okay, sometimes bi-weekly) basis here at Crasstalk. Frankly, I’ve enjoyed just about every one of those posts, and I hope you all have too. Continue reading
So, it’s been brought to my attention that we have a number of new commenters that have started cropping up over the last couple of weeks. As such, I feel like it’s my responsibility to re-introduce the Comment Of the Week and the process. Continue reading
What can I say, Crasstalkers? Apparently, it was meme week around here. I’ve never seen so many meme pictures in the Open Threads, and for that, I, um, salute you? Admittedly, it’s going to be a short one this week, not because you guys weren’t great as usual, but because someone has a happy hour to get to! Continue reading
The nice thing about being one of the most powerful countries in the world is that when you elect a handful of morons to help run a dysfunctional psuedo-democracy, those morons can help you ruin the economy for EVERYONE. Not just your country, but the whole world! Sorry guys, you’re coming with us into the abyss! USA! USA!
Greetings, childrens! Fun fact of witchcraft for you: We can not control the weather. I’m sweltering right along with the rest of you. Continue reading
I don’t know what it was about this week. Maybe it was the heat? Maybe it’s the elation of confirming that a Murdoch owned media property really is as scummy as we assumed? Continue reading