Skrillex – First Of the Year (Equinox) from HK CORP on Vimeo.
One part Aphex Twin music video. One part Hard Candy. A dash of The Matrix. A sprinkle of general sci-fi/fantasy mind games. All awesome. Enjoy!
Skrillex – First Of the Year (Equinox) from HK CORP on Vimeo.
One part Aphex Twin music video. One part Hard Candy. A dash of The Matrix. A sprinkle of general sci-fi/fantasy mind games. All awesome. Enjoy!
Skype wasn’t the first to introduce free computer based voice and video calls but it is one of the most successful. Now that they have been borged by Microsoft they will be introduced to legions of new users who expect Skype to work just as well as Word. Let’s look at some easy ways to ensure that Skype performs up to those expectations.
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Hello Crasstalk. Hope you didn’t get in too much trouble last night (I did), and are having a great Sunday. Here are some monkeys because monkeys are always funny.
Have a wonderful day.
Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. What the hell is going on? This is what you’re saying. We know it’s what you’re saying because we can read your minds here at Life, Death and Violence, your #1 source for poor research and bad jokes about Joseph Gordon Levitt:
Joseph Gordon Levitt walked into a bar. He woke up a week later in the hospital.
#Cracktalk has returned, but we lost a day, so we must make it up. We must avenge Friday by talking about Saturday and its holier than thou sister Sunday. Are you ready for the weekend? It’s basically over already, so, whatever. Who cares. Let’s get to it, little birds. Welcome to Video Weekends.
We have an Oscar party to get ready for. Bye. See you on Monday for a real one of these.
To quote the inimitable Dan Hopper over at the Best Week Ever blog (where I first saw this gem), “Even if you brace yourself for the locallest commercial that ever localled, you’re still not expecting this ad for Staten Island’s Empire State Gold Buyers. You’re not prepared for Randomly Singing Mom. You’re just not.”
I’m not being facetious when I say that I need to see more of this woman on my television, right now.
Are you lonely? Are you once again dreading the onset of the 14th of February, otherwise known as Russell Stover’s Eve? Do you want to know if someone–anyone–out there cares about you?
Well, at least one person cares. This woman cares. She cares a lot, actually, and all she asks is that you leave your “email ID” for future electronic correspondence.
The sea is always beautiful, sigh.