bad girls

3 posts

Opening Weekend: Shivering Our Timbers Forever…and Ever

I’d just like to say that the best and worst thing about sailing is probably Chris Cross’s 1980 hit Sailing. Because this whole Pirates of the Caribbean thing just makes that look like an exposition of greatness. Yes, the Officer Tom Hanson On A Neverending Boat cycle-of-madness has gone on longer than anyone cares to admit, but here it is, limping through theaters for the fourth time, wheezing, and dry-heaving its way to the box office finish line.

And some of you will probably go see it, won’t you? Continue reading

Hump Day

Hi gang. Welcome to your Hump Day post. The rules are the same as always, no visible peen, vag, or girly nips. Also, a tip on photo sizing. When you do a google image search, if you click on medium on the left column you will get images that don’t take up the whole page. This will make it easier for the page to load and for readers to scroll down. You’re welcome.

Now, on to the hotties. How about a little Wild West?

That ought to keep you busy.