Here it is, the last GOP debate before the Great New Hampshire Winnowing! Watch America’s Most Hated Canadian! See The Boy Senator! Watch the last member of the House of Bush bring shame upon his dynasty! It’s on ABC at 8:00 Eastern. Continue reading
republican primaries
Here we go! This one is actually going to be good. First we have Arizona, center of the wing-nut universe. Chief of Bat-Shit Crazy, Jan Brewer, has endorsed Mitt Romney and he is in the lead in the latest polls. Unless Rick Santorum can have him deported by a gay deputy, it looks like Mitt will take the delegates.
However, tonight’s main event is clearly the Michigan Primary. Rick is breathing down Mitt’s neck in the hopes of pulling an upset in Romney’s home state. A Santorum victory will rock the Republican establishment’s faith in Mittens and make a general clusterfuck out of the primary race. Please, please, please tell me this will happen. If Santorum pulls this off we can look forward to calls for a brokered convention and The Grand Inquisitor will be one step closer to her dream Palin/Trump Republican ticket. I am already hoarding images for my photoshop file. Bonus points:The Karl Rove hysteria during his Fox commentary tonight will be utterly epic. Continue reading
Good Lord, this is only the second one of these things. Can someone get me a ticket out of the country until this is all over? No? OK, well then let’s get to this. Continue reading