My God, what have we done? Continue reading
Election 2016
Tonight America’s long national nightmare comes to an end. Or a beginning, depending. Joins us for the exciting season finale of the most horrible reality tv show ever made. Here are some things to bear in mind as the long darkness descends. Continue reading
Just breathe deep, let it flow. Continue reading
Continue reading
Come and watch the tire fire coronation of America’s second-most despised presidential candidate! Bathe in the warm soothing charisma of America’s newest heart throb, Tim Kaine! Get shouted at by an old man! Boo at something! It’s time for the Democratic National Convention. You can live stream the thing on C-Span here. It’s also on the you tubes if C-SPAN is too spicy for you. Democracy in action! God help us all.
Hillary Clinton speaks tonight some time after 10:00, if C-Span is to be believed.
Join us as we weep and rend our garments as the Party of Lincoln prepares to nominate a malevolent cartoon to preside over America’s doom. THE TRUMPENING IS AT HAND! THE GOP CONVENTION HAS BEGUN!
You can leave-stream it here, but all the networks your grandparents watched before Obama’s death-panels killed them will probably be showing it. Tonight’s headliners include Bride of the Monster, Melania Trump, living death skeleton Rudy Guiliani, and some crazy general. Tonight’s theme is apparently “horror.”
Chin up, America. We only have one more full year of this nonsense to go. Continue reading
Wait, Lincoln Chafee is seriously running? Also, if you are new to Crass and want to join the fun, see this page to start commenting. Continue reading
It’s all in one place tonight. Join is for for an evening of the kind of laughter that only the doomed truly understand. This is our future.
Here’s a link to the stream. Don’t download the spammy flash player from the pop up just click Close Ad at the bottom of the box. Continue reading