
26 posts

The American Bar Association Wants Unpaid Interns to Do Law Firm Pro Bono Work

American_Bar_Association_WaAside from setting unnecessary and extraordinarily costly requirements for legal education and opposing key, cost-saving reforms, the American Bar Association found a new way to prove that it is woefully out of touch with the current legal market and ensure that many members of the new generation of lawyers won’t become dues paying members to an organization that remains crushingly out of touch with the reality of today’s legal job market. Continue reading

Why Men Doing “Women’s Work” Is a Good Thing

Recent labor reports indicate that men are doing “women’s work.” More men are cropping up in ‘pink collar’ jobs. At first glance one could presume that traditionally ‘pink’ jobs (i.e., health care, home care, etc.) are a growing field and that is where the jobs are. But a little more digging indicates that there is something larger afoot.

There was a time that the crassness of the business world or the filth of the industrial world was just too horrible for women to endure. If she were to work, it should be in jobs that weren’t too taxing to her delicate sensibilities (you know, like caring for people in the throws of debilitating disease.) She should not have to dirty her hands in factories or investment banking, but instead stay unsullied wiping both ends of children. Continue reading

QOTD: What Is Your Worst Interview Story?

On the left: perfectly good business-casual interview look. Below: not so much.

Interviews. We all hate them. Dread them beforehand. Fear we flubbed them afterwards. But they are a necessary evil.

Woman I know was once interviewed by a company that was all gung-ho starting a new project. They flew her somewhere to interview with someone from Mahogany Row. Then there was a long, long silence. Through the grapevine she found out the project had stalled, and was eventually abandoned. Then guys who had interviewed her started turning up at her company looking for work. Continue reading

Manufacturing Coming Back To America

Jeffrey Immelt, CEO of GE Manufacturing and the head of President Obama’s jobs council, announced on Monday that General Electric Co. plans to hire 5,000 veterans over the next five years and invest $580 million to expand its aviation business. He was speaking at a jobs conference in Washington, D.C., sponsored by General Electric. Continue reading

Is Searching for a Job the New First Day of High School?! Yikes!

The jobless rate in this country is abysmal. Currently stuck at 9 percent, many Americans who find themselves unemployed in an unstable economy are desperate for the types of work many wouldn’t consider in a flourishing financial landscape. For some, finding full-time work is a luxury, since many companies have downsized, laid off staff, or have fluctuated between hiring freezes, furloughs, and other personnel cutbacks.

It would seem finding a job has numerous roadblocks. What makes things harder?

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Wednesday Morning Headlines

President Barack Obama concluded his three-day bus tour yesterday and give this interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN.  The set is supposed to be some kind of machine shop with an American flag on the wall. Also, when the camera is on Obama there are various tools and pieces of equipment associated with general manufacturing and industrial jobs. They really are trying to convince us that Obama is very serious about jobs. Look he even did an interview in a machine shop!

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Tuesday Morning Headlines

I am wearing pads of cottons over my baby blues, so damaged are my eyes from watching John Boehner in High Definition last night. That was my fault. I should not turned to a HD channel. I just didn’t think of it, you know? One minute I was chillin’ on the couch, playing with my new Droid3, the next minute this spectacular glow filled the living room, eclipsing the glow from my Yankee candles, exploding forward, washing over me, filling my brain like the juice of a radioactive orange. I shall heal. Worry you not about me. Continue reading