I’m pretty sure if we did Crasstalk superlatives Cletar would win ALL of the awards, He certainly wins my award for Crasstalker I Would Most Like to be Stuck in a Staff Meeting With. Recently our resident bone fide archeaologist, master photoshopper, and political humorist answered my probing questions about his life. Continue reading
EthologyNerd is brave. Really brave. Since she began commenting here, EN has entertained Crasstalk’s readers with tales of sex-capades gone awry, demonstrated a razor-sharp wit, and alerted the world to a concoction called “butt sauce.” She’s probably best known for her incredible candor. EthologyNerd has had the ladyballs to share her deeply personal stories with writing that is incontrovertibly graceful, eloquent, and funny as hell. She’s a swell chick. Continue reading
After Bots interviewed Rowen in our last installment, we weren’t sure we could top the conversation. But we gave it a shot. And I misspelled “Tchotchke” seven thousand times while writing this. She, however, has impeccable spelling and grammar. And fashion sense. And skin. OH GOD WHY CAN’T I BE LIKE TCHOTCHKE?! Continue reading
Since Homoviper interviewed me last month, it was my turn to pick a Crasstalker. I couldn’t resist the urge to interview Rowen. He’s usually so shy and reticent. Also it took him like two weeks to do this whole thing but that’s because he was binge-watching Dance Moms (I assume). Continue reading
Recently I had the pleasure of sitting down with our lovely Momof3wildkids and learning a little more about her. Here’s what she had to share. Continue reading
In the spirit of international cooperation and diplomacy with our northern neighbors, yours truly ventured out into the wilderness and captured an actual Canadian. An actual Canadian Crasstalker, Internet alias HonkIfYouLikeCookies, rumoured (see what I did there?) to go by the name Susan. After having my way with her (it’s exactly what it sounds like), I asked her a few questions about her native land and people. Here’s what I found out about those crazy Canucks:
What is the dumbest thing you’ve ever heard an American say about Canada?
Other than the entire Talking To Americans mockumentary by Rick Mercer, the dumbest thing an American has ever asked me was if I took a dog sled to school. It was asked by someone from the deep south. Continue reading
Hello again Crasstalkers, lets look at results of our little quiz from yesterday.
Credit where it’s due: the quiz was taken from a book called Snoop by Professor Sam Gosling, an entertaining and informative study on what we can learn of people’s personalities through their offices, bedrooms, trash cans, cars, music collections, job interview behaviors, etc.; in many cases, what we think we can learn but actually can’t.
The quiz, seemingly about our knowledge of various celebrities, was not really about our knowledge of celebrities. You are not about to be shamed for knowing all about Apple Martin while knowing nothing of Hermann von Helmholtz.
I’ve come across an interesting psychological study involving your knowledge of various celebrities that I’d like to try out on the Crass Commentariat. The quiz is simple and will take you only a minute to answer. At the end of the post is a list of names. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you know about each individual on the list, where 1 is “never heard of them” and 10 is “know their life story”?
Well hello again Crasstalk friends! I hope your weekend was pleasant, productive, or at least fun and that you’re easing into your week. It seems our faithful Crasstalk bretheren were among some of the most entertaining content of the Twitterverse over the weekend, so let’s recap, shall we?
Boobookitteh has a question:
Our own leniribbons brings up a good point:
I don’t know who this guy is, but this entertained me.
Patton Oswalt is actually pretty funny. I had no idea until Twitter.
Once more, Death Star PR comes through.
Simon Pegg witnesses a mother killing her child’s dream. A moment, please:
Men, please don’t try this at home:
That’s all for now, ladies and gents. If you know of an awesome member of the Twitterverse, please let me know. In the meantime, keep Tweeting, bitches!