1. The newest episode of Doctor Who premieres Saturday night on BBC America here in the states.
2. I’m kind of obsessed.
The Doctor has run across some pretty badass friends in his adventures. Here are some that never got to travel with him in the TARDIS, but made a major impact anyway.
The red carpet at the Oscars is the biggest runway/fashion event in the world. Given that, designers begin clawing their way to the nominees’ stylists to make them this year’s risk-takers or safe players. Last year, red was the color (how original). What will be this year’s big trend? Continue reading →
If you’ve ever seen Modern Family, you know it’s a family-friendly, hilarious, and overall sweet show with a little bit of a bite at times. You also know that it contains some of the funniest moments in television.
Let’s face it, this is the time of the year that everyone feels the need to look festive, even if they’re actually wearing their cranky pants and bitching about the economy/weather/kids these days, etc.
However, in the quest to appear festive, many don’t actually put a lot of thought into what they put in their yards and houses during the holiday season – just so they have something to point to and say, “Look how festive I am! Look at my festive f**king house!!” Continue reading →
Well folks, it’s been a long journey, but we did it. We hung in there through the end. You’d think we’d get a prize of some sort, but I’m, assuming Bunim-Murray wouldn’t agree, so we’ll just have to settle for this.
So, welcome to the final PR Liveblog of the season, and just remember, Project Runway All-Stars starts soon! Oh, and Project Accessory is on after tonight’s show, so there’s that.
Tonight’s PR starts at 9PM EST on the Ladyparts Network (Lifetime). See you in the comments! Continue reading →
Yep, we’re down to five fine sewtestants. Ok, let’s not sugarcoat it – we have 5 people who can sew and attempt to make good TV. Basically we’re watching for the auf’ings at this point, aren’t we?
Speaking of auf’ings – who’s your choice? As usual, I’m interested in seeing Joshua go down in flames, but I’m pretty sure Barbie has been doused with enough of the Nina haterade to go downhill this time. Who will win? Who will lose? Who will end up drunk by the end of the episode (this girl)? Continue reading →
Hello friends, and welcome back to yet another Liveblog!
Last week’s challenge was to dress up some guys in a band, the result being varying takes on Shaggy from Scooby Doo. That episode would have been much better with a Great Dane – I’m just saying. Continue reading →
Editors Note: We ended up with two PR live blogs tonight, so we are combining them. Please thank MP and HV for their last minute collaboration.
Missing Piece: Welcome back, chickadees, to the show we all would have stopped watching ages ago if it wasn’t so much fun to mock with strangers on the internet. So thank you, internet strangers! For providing such a unique and hilarious viewing experience in the form of these liveblogs!
So, let’s catch up, shall we? Last week was a spouse’s challenge, as in the menfolk come in, discuss their wives’ fashion preferences with the designers, and the designer attempt to make a garment that won’t cause instant vomiting on the part of the judges and will hopefully cover the womenfolk’s nether regions.
Hey, so super late to the party on this liveblog post here. Quick recap for those who missed last week? Joshua is more than a drama queen bitch – he’s basically a plastic she-demon possessed by Joan Crawford, only instead of wire hangers, well, anything sets him off.
Oh, and Becky got eliminated. Yep, that’s what you missed.