Hit it!!!! Continue reading
canada day
I am sorry I missed your day, Canucks. As someone who hopes to one day escape over your border with the FBI on my trail, please know that you are my international favorites. Continue reading
Tell us where in our glorious country you’ve been. Was it great? Sorry, silly me, of course it was great. How great? And where exactly do you go that was great?
Lots of Americans have been on family trips to the Maritime provinces. A drive around the shores of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island is a festival of small towns and lobster-binges.
Quebec City (the skiing! winter carnival!), Montreal (omg the shopping), Toronto (a shoe museum right across the street from the hallowed halls of the Royal Ontario Museum!) and Vancouver (Stanley Park, wow) are wonderful cities to vacation in, and the countryside in between is beautiful. So green! (Mostly.) Continue reading
In 1991, the CBC and CTV began airing sixty second short films during commercial breaks and movie previews about inspiring and important moments in Canadian history called Heritage Minutes. Over time, these melodramatic commercials became so entrenched in Canadian culture that parodies sprung up (as seen below) and inside jokes ensued among Canadians, such as referencing “burnt toast.” Here are just a few minutes from a series that has expanded to more than 125 commercials: Continue reading
There are three great defining features of the history of Canada: booze, hockey and rebellion. Most of our great historic events have revolved around at least one of these. Several have involved two, and the occasional one involves all three. Continue reading
In the spirit of international cooperation and diplomacy with our northern neighbors, yours truly ventured out into the wilderness and captured an actual Canadian. An actual Canadian Crasstalker, Internet alias HonkIfYouLikeCookies, rumoured (see what I did there?) to go by the name Susan. After having my way with her (it’s exactly what it sounds like), I asked her a few questions about her native land and people. Here’s what I found out about those crazy Canucks:
What is the dumbest thing you’ve ever heard an American say about Canada?
Other than the entire Talking To Americans mockumentary by Rick Mercer, the dumbest thing an American has ever asked me was if I took a dog sled to school. It was asked by someone from the deep south. Continue reading
I have a confession to make: I have never been to Canada. I don’t have a good reason. But every time I’ve thought about going I just found reasons not to.