george lazenby

1 post

Twitterama – The Best Of Twitter – April 19

Well hello again Crasstalk friends!  I hope your weekend was pleasant, productive, or at least fun and that you’re easing into your week. It seems our faithful Crasstalk bretheren were among some of the most entertaining content of the Twitterverse over the weekend, so let’s recap, shall we?

Boobookitteh has a question:

Our own leniribbons brings up a good point:

I don’t know who this guy is, but this entertained me.

Patton Oswalt is actually pretty funny.  I had no idea until Twitter.

Once more, Death Star PR comes through.

Simon Pegg witnesses a mother killing her child’s dream.  A moment, please:

Men, please don’t try this at home:


This Julius Sharpe guy is a writer for Family Guy and my latest Twitter followee:


That’s all for now, ladies and gents.  If you know of an awesome member of the Twitterverse, please let me know.  In the meantime, keep Tweeting, bitches!