Daily Archives: August 8, 2011

8 posts

You Can’t Vote Against a Yuppie Takeover

First, read this fairly tone deaf article on gentrification in Harlem and Bed Stuy from the New York Times on the August 4, 2011.

Then read this elegant evisceration of the idea that gentrification “just happens” or is somehow the fault of the minorities who get forced out of their neighborhoods.

To really understand the harm perpetrated by gentrification you have to know your history. Continue reading

Craigslost: Camping with the Fellas

Don’t you just love camping? The mosquito bites, the smell of marshmallows burning like molten lava, the weird people in the next campground over.

And you know who ruins camping? The ladies! What with their bear-attracting menstruation and need to possess so much of the air mattress’s surface area, they’re just not cut out for it. Sometimes men just need to be men. Together. Alone.  In the woods. If you think this sounds gay, you’re completely wrong.

(Quick Warning: This week’s Craigslost might be NSFW. There is some questionable  language but no obscene images.)  Let’s get to the fuckery!

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Conservatives Yell Foul at Newsweek for Hilarious Michele Bachmann Photo

I don’t know about you, but if you’re often photographed, or filmed, or witnessed looking like a complete loon in most every visual sense represented by modern technology…how can you really blame anyone for your lack of focus, your stunned appearance, or what looks to be a pained effort to read the words inside your head? Apparently, Conservatives believe that the liberal media wants to make Michelle Bachmann look crazy, and it’s not, uh, you know, Michele Bachmann just looking insane, because that’s kind of her thing.

Let’s see what the conservative brain trust thinks. Continue reading

Hollywood’s Reboot-A-Palooza To Test Your Patience And Shock No One

I propose that they just make a movie called Reboot, which discusses the process of rebooting a movie. You know, how they decide which marginally successful 1980’s movie hasn’t been touched by the hand of Michael Bay or Brett Ratner (who’s producing this year’s Oscars by the way. We have been forsaken.) and then how they sell its earning potential to a studio. Can’t you just imagine the Weekend at Bernie’s pitch meeting, or the discussion of Killer Klowns from Outer Space over sushi? I’m not really sure how these things happen. Maybe it’s more like spinning a Price Is Right Wheel, but somehow these ideas make it to the big screen mostly to our utter confusion and despair.

Let’s take a look at what Hollywood has on tap for the coming future.

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Monday Morning Headlines

Those riots in London are still being milked for front page stuff today, according to the BBC. What were they even rioting about? Okay, it seems as though the police have killed someone and a protest over said death got out of hand, that’s why. But I also  think that rioting has become sort of mainstream, it’s kind of just acceptable to riot sometimes now. Everyone’s doing it! It’s an internet sensation like planking except it has horrendously destructive and violent consequences in real life, which is pretty uncool so if you’re going to go crazy and burn something let it be the sweet Mary Jane brothers and sisters, amen. Gather round and get your headlines inside.  Continue reading