
4 posts

Rowen’s Adventures At Kink Camp

campA few weeks ago, after ascertaining if I had a drivers’ license, a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to go with him to an adult sleep away camp… thing. What’s an adult sleep away camp… thing?

Well, at the time, I didn’t really know. He said it was a part of a group of adults who are pretty much fall into the category of “other.” Poly, bi, trans, gay, etc., and almost all into some form of kink. In fact, later, one of the guys in our car kept referring to it as kink camp, and that seems like the best appellation, so we’ll go with that. Continue reading

Craigslost: Camping with the Fellas

Don’t you just love camping? The mosquito bites, the smell of marshmallows burning like molten lava, the weird people in the next campground over.

And you know who ruins camping? The ladies! What with their bear-attracting menstruation and need to possess so much of the air mattress’s surface area, they’re just not cut out for it. Sometimes men just need to be men. Together. Alone.  In the woods. If you think this sounds gay, you’re completely wrong.

(Quick Warning: This week’s Craigslost might be NSFW. There is some questionable  language but no obscene images.)  Let’s get to the fuckery!

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