Those riots in London are still being milked for front page stuff today, according to the BBC. What were they even rioting about? Okay, it seems as though the police have killed someone and a protest over said death got out of hand, that’s why. But I also think that rioting has become sort of mainstream, it’s kind of just acceptable to riot sometimes now. Everyone’s doing it! It’s an internet sensation like planking except it has horrendously destructive and violent consequences in real life, which is pretty uncool so if you’re going to go crazy and burn something let it be the sweet Mary Jane brothers and sisters, amen. Gather round and get your headlines inside.
- John Chambers, chairman of Standard & Poor’s sovereign debt committee sez: Hey, U.S. lawmakers, what the fuck man?
- In related news, major economies around the world are failing and it’s causing world shares to “slide” which is code for “all the fake money we pretend to have is disappearing because something went wrong, like it always does. ” Except this time it does seem very convincingly world-endish.
- 8 confirmed dead in Copley, Ohio shooting rampage.
- Syrian forces attack Sunni tribal areas.
- 30 Navy SEALs have died in Afghanistan.
- Michele Bachmann is more or less blaming Timothy Geithner for the US credit rating downgrade, which is so fucking stupid because – oh fuck you know why, you’re not a maniacal asshole like Michele.