
2 posts

Please Don’t Improve My Neighborhood, I Appreciate its ’80s Crack War’ Aesthetic

If you’re a developer of real estate, someone somewhere will ALWAYS find a reason to oppose your project. Today’s evidence of this comes from the Times, where they wrote about four proposed high-rise towers in Washington Heights.

If you’ve ever followed any sort of local zoning controversy where you live, you’ll know that the status quo-loving NIMBYs always manage to come up with the loopiest arguments against building anything ever. You could turn a half-burning crack house into an orphanage and these people will complain that your orphanage “doesn’t fit with the existing character of the neighborhood.” Continue reading

You Can’t Vote Against a Yuppie Takeover

First, read this fairly tone deaf article on gentrification in Harlem and Bed Stuy from the New York Times on the August 4, 2011.

Then read this elegant evisceration of the idea that gentrification “just happens” or is somehow the fault of the minorities who get forced out of their neighborhoods.

To really understand the harm perpetrated by gentrification you have to know your history. Continue reading