Daily Archives: August 4, 2011

15 posts

Jersey Shore Liveblog: “We’re in Italy B*tches!”

Buon giorno! Ciao! And all other manner of Italian salutations! Yes, that’s right all our wonderful guido friends have now taken their tanned, poof-haired, staggering, falling, fighting, screaming selves to their homeland with the sole goal of smushing all over famous Italian sites. We fully expect the Polizia to come and arrest everyone, just everyone in the Jersey Shore in Italy house. Can it still be The Jersey Shore when you’re in Italy? Obviously MTV thinks so. Do we fully expect Snooki to fall off a Vespa? Yes. Will Pauly and Vinnie wear something sparkly with gargoyles and rhinestone swirls? Yes! Will J-WoWWW fall off a cliff and into her own cleavage? Yes! Will The Situation become the Continuing Annoying Faction? Definitely! What’s a Deena? We still don’t know! Will Sammy and Ron become great friends and never fight? Oh, hello. You must be new here…of course they’ll fight! It’s the Jersey Shore way!

Get your sausage, peppers and your Ron-Ron juice because yes, we’re in Italy Bitches! Continue reading

And She Killed Them All with Her Brand New Steak Knives before Stashing Them in the Cellar

20110804-124946.jpg Barbie™, as you are all aware, is a serially unemployed torturer, an egomaniac, a clinical narcissist (though, we suppose, egomania and narcissism go hand in hand), and a witch doctor who has cast our beloved Ken™ under her spell time and time again. German, too!

Barbie™’s Dream House™ was once a fairly staid, suburban affair, but sometime in the go-go 80s, at the height of her egomania, she moved into a pink mansion in Malibu™, just mere doors down from her arch-nemesis, Lisa Lionheart™. But that wasn’t good enough for her! After a few years off from Ken™, they reunited in February and she’s decided she needs something a little bit more modern. Let’s take a look: Continue reading

Crasstalk Book Club: Waiting for Snow in Havana by Carlos Eire

READ THIS OR ELSEWelcome back to Book Club, amigos. Didn’t you guys just love our last book club hosted by boobookitteh?

Well, it looks like I am your hostess this go-around! And you know what? It’s gonna be good because we are reading Waiting for Snow in Havana: Confessions of a Cuban Boy.

On January 1, 1959, Cuban dictator Fugencio Batista’s government was toppled by Fidel Castro’s movement. 8 year old Carlos Eire’s childhood ended abruptly that day. He was the son of a wealthy judge, just the type of person Castro was out to destroy. Before Castro came into power, Eire lived a charmed life full of firecrackers, torturing lizards, and trips to the beach where his father would drive their family car through the surf. After the revolution, life changed dramatically. Eire eventually became one of the unaccompanied 14,000 children sent to Miami as part of Operación Pedro Pan. Continue reading

Where Would You Take Ferran Adrià for Dinner?

In the first scenes of the movie El Bulli: Cooking in Progress, Ferran Adrià, the master behind the famous Catalonian restaurant, is sucking on a fluorescent lollipop. Immersed in darkness, he opens his mouth and closes it, opens, then closes, each time exposing the inside of his mouth which glows with the same eerie light. The scene continues long enough that one is left wondering, what the hell is that? Adrià is considered to be one of the founding fathers of molecular gastronomy, using science to create modern works of haute cuisine art. So, one waits as if trying to find out how a magic trick is performed. The answer: proteins from a Japanese fluorescent fish.

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Crass Advice: Daisy Sage Says

Tell Daisy all about it, darling.

As I have mentioned before, Bots has kindly suggested that I cross post blog entries from www.daisysagesays.wordpress.com from time to time. Here is our most recent entry.:

Dear friends,

Hurrah! Just when I was thinking I’d better come up with some fake reader questions; (For instance, fake someone would write in and ask  anxiously if they really have to stop wearing their white patent leather pants after Labor Day. My fake response would be: “Why did you wear them before Labor Day?  And more importantly how?”) we have been sent our first real, actual reader advice request!

This comes to us from our friend who goes by the Interwebz name of Turdhurdler. Continue reading

What Can We Learn From Twitter’s 2011 Trending Topics?

 A little while ago, Twitter published their top trending topics for the first half of 2011. For all that has been said about Twitter promoting triviality, thoughtlessness, Biebermania and every other sign of the apocalypse, the trending topics reveal a bit of hope for the Twitter generation after all – and also emphasise Twitter’s international spread.

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