Fidel Castro

1 post

Crasstalk Book Club: Waiting for Snow in Havana by Carlos Eire

READ THIS OR ELSEWelcome back to Book Club, amigos. Didn’t you guys just love our last book club hosted by boobookitteh?

Well, it looks like I am your hostess this go-around! And you know what? It’s gonna be good because we are reading Waiting for Snow in Havana: Confessions of a Cuban Boy.

On January 1, 1959, Cuban dictator Fugencio Batista’s government was toppled by Fidel Castro’s movement. 8 year old Carlos Eire’s childhood ended abruptly that day. He was the son of a wealthy judge, just the type of person Castro was out to destroy. Before Castro came into power, Eire lived a charmed life full of firecrackers, torturing lizards, and trips to the beach where his father would drive their family car through the surf. After the revolution, life changed dramatically. Eire eventually became one of the unaccompanied 14,000 children sent to Miami as part of Operación Pedro Pan. Continue reading