shut up harvard

1 post

And She Killed Them All with Her Brand New Steak Knives before Stashing Them in the Cellar

20110804-124946.jpg Barbie™, as you are all aware, is a serially unemployed torturer, an egomaniac, a clinical narcissist (though, we suppose, egomania and narcissism go hand in hand), and a witch doctor who has cast our beloved Ken™ under her spell time and time again. German, too!

Barbie™’s Dream House™ was once a fairly staid, suburban affair, but sometime in the go-go 80s, at the height of her egomania, she moved into a pink mansion in Malibu™, just mere doors down from her arch-nemesis, Lisa Lionheart™. But that wasn’t good enough for her! After a few years off from Ken™, they reunited in February and she’s decided she needs something a little bit more modern. Let’s take a look: Continue reading