Daily Archives: May 2, 2011

12 posts

Making Peace with the Wisdom of the Crowd

(Courtesy of Tom Taylor via Flickr)

Being a graphic designer, there is probably nothing that raises my hackles more than the idea of crowdsourcing. For me, it is yet another thing helping to monetarily and creatively devalue my career in this time where no one has any budget for anything. Yes, I admit it, I’m bitter and this may or may not be sort of a rant. I went to school for design and have spent many years trying to get people to understand that it is not about drawing nice pictures but helping a client communicate his or her mission the most effective way possible. Now, with lack of budgets and people continuing to undervalue my service profession, I am getting more and more squeezed out. Rather than a lawyer, a doctor, or an accountant whose service people seek out, I am becoming no different from someone whose job has been shipped overseas. So how is it possible to make peace with something that threatens my very livelihood? Whether I like it or not, this is not a new phenomenon nor will it go away and how should I learn to make it work for me?

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“Clone High”: The Best Show You Never Watched

Remember when “South Park” was fairly new? “Daria”? Even “Beavis and Butthead” had its time in the sun. Great shows, right?

Animated sitcoms have been around forever, and some of them were better than others. We can debate all day long over just how much “The Simpsons” has gone downhill, but some shows never even got the chance to jump the animated shark.
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All the Tweets That Are Fit to Print

Once upon a time, in a land called Twitter, the residents of this incredibly chaotic, yet endlessly fascinating land, contributed their words of wisdom – all in 140 characters or less, for those of us plebes for our entertainment.

Some sort of wedding appears to have occurred, resulting in an overwhelming number of droplets of wisdom from the Twitterians.  The lovely Rachael Maddow attended the NRA convention, Jesse Tyler Ferguson contemplates gender perception in the media, Seth Meyers’ mocking spread far and wide, and several other random tales were shared in Twitterland, including the fact that Stephen Moffat is the coolest dad in the world.  At least to this dork.

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Crass Gossip: Expecting Celebrities

Guess who’s pregnant? EVERYBODY! No, seriously. All the celebrity ladies have signs “ESTOY OCUPADO” over their middles in Hollywood (shoutout to Michael K). Here’s are some of the pregnant celebrity ladies roaming the streets of Los Angeles (Sorry men, you don’t warrant your own post as the sperm donors).

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