When we ranked Jack Donaghy’s girlfriends, we were essentially limited to five contenders so it didn’t make much sense to call it a top five. Where Liz Lemon’s love life is concerned, we can reasonably cast a wider net. Continue reading
Tina Fey
And it’s not a block of cheese or a sandwich! Probably not. EW reports that a casting call has gone out, and they are seeking “a man ages 36-40. . .who can play Liz Lemon’s next love interest. Here’s the official description: “California-bred with liberal values and a youthful innocence. Easy-going but confident with a strong sense of self.”” They will consider everyone from no-names to A-listers, which 30 Rock already has a solid history of netting for multi-episode arcs. EW has some casting suggestions so head over there to check them out, but I want to read your suggestions. Who do you think should be Liz’s next love interest? 30 Rock will return with a new season in early 2012; Fey gave birth very recently so she’s a little busy. Pic via
As Bridesmaids prepares to go head to head with The Hangover Part II, which is shaping up to look nowhere near as stellar as Part I, there is a rising question as to whether women can be as funny as men in movies. Do they have the same balls-out, funny or die tendencies, and can the “funny gal” ultimately draw the same box office cash and ride that wave as long and far as their male counterparts.
Funny women in movies are a no-brainer, they have been cracking us up since the moving picture began. They are queens at the subtle jibe; the smirking, snarky retort; the cutting, dry humor; or even flat out hilarious physical comedy, but mostly it’s about being funny and fun, yet still feminine and alluring. It would seem that only recently women have been free to do funny in a way that’s self-deprecating, real, honest, possibly unattractive, and, with a little more, well, testosterone than in the past. The question though, in all the gross out humor, does the realization that (gasp!) ladies have bodily functions and are just as spastic, clumsy, aggressive, and overt as any Seth Rogan or Adam Sandler make it difficult to retain the “heart” of the film? Continue reading
Guess who’s pregnant? EVERYBODY! No, seriously. All the celebrity ladies have signs “ESTOY OCUPADO” over their middles in Hollywood (shoutout to Michael K). Here’s are some of the pregnant celebrity ladies roaming the streets of Los Angeles (Sorry men, you don’t warrant your own post as the sperm donors).