
21 posts

There’s a new Star Wars movie trailer now

GAZE IN WONDER, NERDLINGS, AT WHAT JJ ABRAMS HATH WROUGHT! Gape in awe at characters we don’t recognize! Shriek with delight at spaceships you remember from your childhood! Groan inwardly because there’s so much goddamned Tattooine! (Seriously, does this galaxy only have five planets or something?)

Anyway, it’s here, and it looks pretty good, and you can watch it on your computer in your turkey gravy stained sweatpants, without having to put on clothes and go to the mall to see THE DUMB AND DUMBENING. BEHOLD! Continue reading

The New Star Trek Movie Is An Abomination!

The trailer for the new Star Trek movie, the punctuationally-challenged  Star Trek Into Darkness, is here at last. GIRD YOUR NERD LOINS AND PREPARE TO ENGORGE WITH NERD RAGE! Gawk at British thespian Bandersnatch Crustypants! Groan at the BWAP! noise from Inception, which all trailers are legally required to use! Shriek at the Space-fu jumping around! Gabble with anger with your nerdquaintances over who the villain is! Gape at the explosions and spaceship crashes! Yell at all the yelling!

Actually, it doesn’t look too bad. But seriously, it’s time to retire the Inception BWAP! noise. Please. Continue reading

Welcome to Nerdvana

You know how we’re often frustrated about the crud that can fill our days? Commuting, your boss, the economy, and various other inequities that rival each other for your daily attention? Well, Pete from Austin, TX, has found a level of escapism not often experienced in the modern world. He is a video game enthusiast, or more to the point, a video game legacist, if we can make up a word. Continue reading

How to Destroy a Video Game Controller with Bad Customer Service

The Avenger Controller was originally developed as an add-on to a standard Xbox or Playstation controller. It allows those with disabilities to play the games they love with minimal hand movements.  Its inventor, David Kotkin was inspired by a student in his class that experienced difficulty playing due to skin condition called Epidermolysis Bullosa, a hereditary condition which makes skin sensitive, blister easily, and sometimes affects hand size.  The Avenger was rightly lauded as opening up gaming to a market that is often overlooked. Additionally, the general public, currently in love with multiplayer games, and a growing interest in competitive gaming brought the device to the general public and sales took off. Continue reading

Saturday Night Drive-In

Happy Saturday! It’s been a while since we have done a Saturday night movie so tonight I have a special treat courtesy of the Internet Archives. This is The Legend of Boggy Creek, a classic horror docudrama from 1972. The movie examines the legend about a swamp monster in rural Arkansas. The movie has appearances by a number of the locals who had claimed to see the monster and also contains reenactments of alleged encounters with the creature. It’s actually pretty damn creepy. The movie is an obvious inspiration for later horror movies, most notably The Blair Witch Project. The movie spawned four sequels including one that was so good it was featured on Mystery Science Theater 3000.


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