
4 posts

Monday Daytime Open Thread

Welcome to Crasstalk. Hope you are ready for an exciting week around here. Thanks to everyone who participated in the workshop last night. Please feel free to look through the thread for ideas or to add more of your own; I will check it throughout the day.

This weekend Crasstalkers competed in another battle to find the worst music the internet has to offer. Here are the winners of Country Music Wars:

There was a tie for runner up. The first contender was this wonderful selection from Daisy_Sage.

P_mouse tied her effort with this “classic.”

While both of these efforts were formidable, the championship went to Momof3wildkids for this winning(?) selection.

Wow. Congrats MO3WK. Have a great day.

Bad Country Music Wars

Last week, we had a battle battle for Light Rock supremacy here at Crasstalk. After the dust settled and the weak were vanquished, it was suggested that our next battle involve both kinds of music.

So here you go warriors. Let the battle of the cheesy and terrible begin. Here are a couple to get you started.

Let’s mix in some obligatory patriotism.

This is why I never tell people I grew up in Nebraska.

All right warriors, you know what to do. May God have mercy upon your soul.