Remember 2004 when Kate Hudson was that plucky, scowly, little rosy cheeked spawn-of-Hawn cherub? Yes, her movies were a cutesy explosion of sweatpants and Häagen-Dazs girly fluff-porn. Yeah, well, fast forward eight years to a horrible economy, and an Emma Stone and Jessica Chastain world later, and Kate here is still flopping around holding on to that rom-com branch for all she’s worth. Continue reading
kate hudson

Hello, dollink. Can’t talk long. Something about the Battle of The Bay. They’ve already looted London Drugs and Holt Renfrew. No, I don’t know why, Holt’s doesn’t even carry Axe body spray!
In any case, never let it be said I left you without your gossip links in a time of crisis. So read and enjoy and tie a yellow ribbon dress around the old oak tree.
Guess who’s pregnant? EVERYBODY! No, seriously. All the celebrity ladies have signs “ESTOY OCUPADO” over their middles in Hollywood (shoutout to Michael K). Here’s are some of the pregnant celebrity ladies roaming the streets of Los Angeles (Sorry men, you don’t warrant your own post as the sperm donors).
Good day, my bitches. How are you feeling today? Bitchy? Perfect! Me, too. Let’s commiserate over news about people who screw up the lives we wish we had. Continue reading